At in local leaders‘ Clothing training school in Perth coun- ty, Miss lois Smith. left, of the Home Economics Brunch discusseS. with leaders, the proper way of laying out a pattern for cutting, Hopetown had a paper on "Eskimm, Pilhl and Present“ and one on the North West Territories. Ferguson‘s Falls had a panel discussion with a moderator and members dressed to repre- sent Holland. Ireland, China and the Philip pines. Members answered the mOdL‘I‘tliur'x questions about these countries. Rockport had their international program on a special night and invited other Institutes. The program centred around Norway with :t film on other European countries as well IlNorway and a display of arts and crafts. Amherst Island had papers on India and on the Economic and Social Council at United Nations. Grimsby Beach says: “Our llIlCl'nilliOntti program was given by the Canadian Ukrainian Association. It was most colorlul showing the costumes they wear for dancing; how [0 dCC‘ crate eggs for Easter along with hBaLtllllll der signs for all kinds of needlework." Cloverdale and Coldstream not far from Oneida Indian Reserve have had speaker»; from the Reserve. This is reported in more detail in the section on “Suggestions for Programs." llderton had a special meeting for their in- ternational program with a speaker from Inâ€" ternational House. London. The speaker showâ€" ed pictures taken in Europe and told how Canadians could help the newcomers: to thix country. Sandford Port Carling says: "A nzilin: oi Kipling invited two neighboring institutes to their international meeting where they had candinavian music and costumes and LI Scan- WINTER 1967 dtntoiun style iuneh. There uere [Itlpct’x on '\,(‘.W.\\’. and on the history at Kipling. Teetervillc hud £t European: \tlppcr cooked In new (Etnttdiun metnhers. x\l St. Williams :1 new (‘ttnttdttm womttii dcmomlrttted (iermttn needlework amd (were mun cooking. At Stroud‘s Itttet'nulionttl Night. New ('utttt- dittns \x‘cre Alhkcli to tell not on!) uhottt Cllx- toms in their nttlive countri but also about their prohlemx in Canada. Little Britain httd .1 1ttll\ on lndttt hy u high school teacher who was horn and grew up in that country. Dorkinu httd. to: :t motto. “The (Honda we enjoy was not hroughl lo nationhood hy timid citizens." '[hc [)lNirICIN ol East and West Well-and eo- opet'utcd tn no international meeting. 'l‘hev hud :tn execllcnt speaker. at Negro wontttn. :tn ordtuncd minister lroni St, ('nthurincx. Rev. M, A. Aylcslock. Drew iI'dLi it toll. on International (‘o-opet'ttv tton year and li'lL' motto. "How we can help new ('unttdittns to make Cunttdu their home," At Badcnuch “.‘t ntcnthcr displayed lltlgs thul \hc iIIILi mttde ol (iiiiCl'L‘l‘tl countries. As the members named ettch country nzttionztl music was played ttnd dolls wearing the t‘IEIlilllItli co» tumes were shown." (‘nrlukc httd un :tddrcss by no itILii'dlt woman. Curator ol (,‘hiclswood on the Six Nzitionx Reserve. speak on Pauline Johnson. A new Canadian mcmhcr presented the Instiv lute with it flag-stand ttnd u (‘unztdian I'lztg. 'l'emperanecville prepared slides and a corn- mcntnry on the work of the Institute and 4-H Homemaking Clubs and sent them to an Insti- tute in Scotland with which they correspond. 35