interests now are children, home management, and cooking and just getting together for an awning away from the children. They have mien a keen interest in the project “Vegetables will a Flair,†and provided the leadership ft = the women of the Institute. "A subject they have asked for is handling thâ€"ir husbands’ incomeâ€"setting up a budget, b gyiug wisely, etc. Would you have available in urination on budgeting, or could you make 5- ggestions re speakers?†The request was turned over to Miss Dora l: irke who is in charge of Home Management .; . the Home Economics Branch staff, and Miss i; srke worked out a program which she felt i. luld be suitable for the group. The material :3 planned to cover a series of meetings -‘ iling with how to get the most from the nily income; keeping records or accounts; v aimating income and expenses; drawing up v budget and working it out. Exercises were ggested for group participation and discus- an. After a few months Mrs. Rogers reported -at the group had had two sessions on Money lanagement and had found the material very .lpful; that habits already acquired are hard I change but the young women were inter- :ted in ideas for saving money, in good :iopping practices, in learning about quality and grades and when it is economical to buy .1 quantity. They were planning to have the anker come and talk to them about credit 'uying and financing; with two more sessions head of them they hoped to make headway in planning a budget. SOmetimes we hear that the young women in an Institute would like to take certain courses that would help them in their responâ€" 1-ibilities with their young families; but the older women have paSsed these responsibilities and are not interested in such courses so the young mothers miss them. In the home man- agement venture described here, the older womenâ€"or at least one older womanâ€"went the second mile in actually introdudng a course that they wanted and Seeing they had the help they needed to carry it through. The Home Economics Branch welcomed the op- Portunity to have a part in it. For Safety With Bicycles By Alberta Stephens 'ICYCLE SAFETY was the theme for Harwood Women's Institute on Wed- nesday evening, August 10th. Judging a moving audience is rather difficult, but it IS estimated that at least a hundred parents. members and friends brought their youngsters to Harwood Community Hall. It was an in- FALI. 1966 \- Provincial Tweedsmuir History Curolor, Mrs. R. C. Walker, examines a box stove slill used to heal the Community Hall at Desborals, Algomo. The high choir and stroller ore museum pieces owned by Mrs. Brock Suddoby. aplmhr mmlery Emil Built Shir terested, enthusiastic audience and thoughtful questions proved lhEir attentiveness. when Corporal A. T. Armitagc. Petcrborough Dc- tachment, Ontario Provincial Police, discussed bicycle safety. On a "pegboard" were displayed corn- pulsory safety devices and their desirable few tures: pant clips, to keep pant legs from {angling in chain; handlegrips, to protect the body from puncture by sharp metal ends it a rider should fall on end of handlebars; re- flectors and reflective tape for back and front of bicycle; rubber pedal grips, kept in good condition, to prevent foot from slipping when pedalling or braking. The film, “Jiminy Cricket". on bicycle safety rules was followed by a question peâ€" riod. It must have encouraged listening adults to hear the intelligent questions asked by the youngsters. Safety bookmarks, car garbage bags, leaflets, etc. were distributed to the audience. In a second film, from the viewpoint of a "bike riderâ€, the car approached at varying speeds. It was fascinating and often terrifying to note the condition of a bicycle after a losing encounter with cars travelling at dif- ferent rates of speed! 59 sets of reflective tapes were given by Harwood Women’s Institute to local bicycle owners. Then children of varying ages pro- 21