inmaydale‘s part of the program included hi0 viaphies of three outstanding international Women in the news, (1) Mrs. Indira Gandhi, prl it; Minister of India, (2) Mrs. Aroti Dutt Di ndia, President of A.C.W.W.. (3) Mrs_ K. :i Rand, Nova Scotia, A.C.W.W. Vice- Fl" «tent for Canada. Native costumes were it. .i by those participating. tie motto used was very appropriate, being a itement from objectives of A.C.W.W.â€" "( odâ€"will, friendship and understanding are 5‘ mtial for good international relationships.“ A iember commented briefly on this, This call was answered by “One duty of a 1 Public Relations Officer.†!I joined in singing the “Hymn of All Nan ri A Happy Friendship Link “ ISTORICAL RESEARCH WAS the 1 theme of the St. Vincent Women‘s Institute for their January meeting ch was held at the home of Mrs. Reg. 65. 'he motto, “In youth we learn: in age we terstand†was given by Mrs. H. Adams. v:- Roll Call was answered by telling about .ivourite childhood story book. the topic, “Our English Institute" was taken Mrs. P. Abercrombie. After the second rid war, Women's Institutes in Ontario were en the opportunity of adopting an English titute as a Friendship link, St. Vincent imen’s Institute applied for one in Novem- 1947 and was given Acton and Reuse» .ith Women’s Institute in Cheshire County. gland. The English people were still ration~ and many foodstuffs, including sugar. dried iits. dried cereals and meals Were in short nply. St. Vincent Institute began sending od parcels which continued for three or four ars. The members began exchanging letters id ideas. In the latter years Christmas gifts ere exchanged. One of the most memorable as a tea cloth autographed and embroidered Two views of a British lnstitute's Jubilee Goblet. '0 gift from an English Institute to its "link," SI. Vince“ 5 branch in Grey county. SUMMER I966 by the members in England. This cloth still graces the president's table at each meeting. The gift this year was a Golden Jubilee goblet. 1965 was the 50th year of Institutes in Engâ€" iiil'ld and they had the goblet to commemorate I . Incidentally. it was Mrs. Alfred Watt. MBE.. born in Collingwood who carried the idea of Women's Institutes to England from Canada. She formed the first overseas branch in Llan- fair, Wales. in September [915. She was a tireâ€" less worker and by 1919 she herself had or‘ ganized 1th Institutes. One of the souvenirs of the celebration was a glass goblet inscribed in gold, "WI. Golden Jubilee 1913â€"1965.†This was our gift from Acton and Reaseheath this year. So the members of St. Vincent branch are quite proud of their Jubilee Goblet. An Unusual Tea Party By Mrs. Roy Mer'tv N ONE OF the regular meeting days 0 0t" I-Iopevilleâ€"Swinton Institute we had what we called a "Dessert Cup and Saucer Tea" to which we invited neighboring branches. We had an attendance of nearly one hundred. As soon as the guests arrived we sang the Women's Institute Grace and served dessert and tea and the guests were privileged to take their cups and saucers home with them. \Ve had a varied program which included a demonstration on making articles from plas- tic. Then the president called an intermission so that the guests could leave if they wished: and after this we had our business meeting. A "Dessert Cup and Saucer Tea" was some, thing new around here and everyone scented to enjoy it. Other interesting events of our year were a famin night with a pot luck supper and proâ€" gram. a regular meeting where the 4-H Home- making Club girls displayed their work and served tea and cake they had made. We re- member the elderly people of the community who are over eighty years old, with gifts and cards. Briefs Bloomingdale Institute in Waterloo county encourages its members to take advantage of the Adult Education and Cultural Interests available in the area. The secretary reports that quite a number of members attend the Community Concert series in Kitchener. A few are regular attendants at the Shake- spearean plays in Stratford. The president and 23