tario Spring Board Meeting was held April 28th to May lst at the Federated Colleges. Guelph. The F.W.I.O. Board Direc- tors are faced with a heavy agenda to keep pace with the ever increasing business which must be dealt with. This. too. was an historic meeting. for an announcement had just been issued that the Federated Colleges would be- come Guelph University. It is good to see such progress in the field of higher education and to know that there now will he a university on this great campus. Mrs. L. R. Trivers, Pro- vincial President. welcomed the Directors. thanking all for their support and willingnes< to help at all times. THE Federated Women’s institutes of On: Mrs. Trivers’ Presidential Report As time goes by, the duties of this office become more demanding and more interesting. There has been a great deal of correspondence and travel since the Fall board meeting, so one seems to be always “poised for flight." More and more I realize, too, the amount of time and effort being expended by the other mem- bers of our executive in carrying out our pro- gram and I hope you are all aware of it. :1» well. MESs McKercher, Mrs. Lymburner, Mrs. Zoeller. Miss Chapman are all busy with many tasks of their own, yet each is generous with her time and thought to cooperate and give advice where it is needed, and we do apprecr- ate every one of their efforts. As for Mrs. Holder. she is in a class by herself and I think none of us can appreciate too highly what she has given to us in unselfish service during her years as secretary. SUMMER 1964 Provincial Board of the Federated Women's Institute: of Ontario, KW 1.0. Board Meeting By Margaret Zoeller Provincial PJLO. No doubt most ol‘ you will have heard of the passing of Mrs. Duke who was Provincial President from 1939 to 1942. and of Mr. (lor- don MacPhatter. Mrs. Macl’hattcr has asked me to express to the Board her appreciation for the flowers and messages of sympathy she has received. We are always sorry when we are not notified at once of a hereavcnicnt‘ as was the case with Mrs. Duke and Mrs. Brown who also lost her husband recently. I was pleased to receive complimentary re- ports of the television program on Hamilton Station CFCH on January 2h. it “fits not shown elsewhere in the province but those in the Hamilton area felt it was successful, During the winter l attended two meetings of the Ontario Food Council. They are highly inlormativc meetings at which there is usually a speaker on some aspect of food handling or marketing. The ('ounctl has dcliniteiy proven its value this winter with the prohlem of disâ€" posal of the onion surplus. They have other plans in mind and we hope in future to have tangible results of our work to report. While in the city tor these meetings I have worked at the office and the usual committee meetings have been held. You have been in- formed of the developments from the Scholarâ€" ship ('ommittcc meetings hy mail. I have also heen able to take part in some work with Miss thdmun and Mrs. Ashdown on their project for the amendment oi the Jurois' Act and this \\lll he reported later. The week of February ‘J to l5 was spent at the Ontario Rural Leadership Forum. a very pleasant experience. also to he reported later. 5