A radio From Ontario brings a forum broadcast to an Indian village. Radios For Inditi By Edith M. Slorr 1 Jill. National Farm Forum Annual A t niiterenee held at Daha}. Home. Prince Iduard lxland in June Whit. Mn. Jean Muleh. Pl I. delegate to the eonl'erenee sugâ€" fluted that larm l'UFllntH III C anada might he IHlL'Tk'NlLKl In \upplylng radios to India's Farm Inrunix. She made ll'll\ suggextion utter listenâ€" Ing In a presentauon made hy Huh Knoulex. Sllpenixor ([81. Farm Department. on his Hall to ll'llllii .|\ a delegate to the 4th ('ommon» health liroailctixting (onlerence in January l‘Jhll‘ \\hI|e he \\.I\ there. Boh had an opportunity lo we the grouth oi the l-arm Forum idea in India He brought hack a \tory of the dcxperate need tor radios to xene the rural \illages uhere l oI'umx were heing organi/etl. patterned .ItteI our oun program in ('anztda, We uere .ill Iniprexxed \\Ith the \loiy hut lean tlltl \Hlilt‘lhlng about it. She made her propmal and it \\.I\ unanimously \tlpported hy the other delegatex and things began to hap~ pen lhe Idea. horn .It Dahay Home In June WML moth \\L'.\[\\Lll’tl aeroxs ('anada and as the Idea “L‘Ill on trom prounee to provinee. people “ilnlL'Ll to help. It Is non »\pri| Wu: and \‘o tar hlt radim haw heen donated by (unada to India. Ever}- day the number mL‘l'L'Lht‘s and the Interext tll'l\\\ Here In ()ntarIo “e haxe mixed llltltl~ In purehaw 2“ radio». ptux We haven't tolloued any particular pattern [or our campaign haps it is sufficient to say we told the stort country‘s need and people have responded ()ur radios in Ontario have come n trom the Forums. County cheratiom oi culture and other groups: The first cheque came from York In. lion of Agriculture. Since then Peel and dlexe\ ('ounty Federations have donato radio each. A numher of county and shlp Federations contributed towarth \tarted hy the Forums. The Count} Forum Committees in Halton. l’eterhm and Waterloo each donated enough lu' rudiO. Lantbton County Farm Forum» help from their county Federation of A; Iure. have purchased three radios. H ('ounty Farm Forums have donated tuo I p|u< K2 ‘0 touards another one. plus ‘ come in: (irey County three and a halt r. Bruce ('ounty Farm Forums three radim Vorthumherland with eight Forum\’ in counly have eontrihuted tour radios. Frol' \talt' tind agents of ('o-operutor's lmtli .-\\\0..‘|dll0l‘t in London. Ontario. one t This was a xpontaneoux gesture inspired l' Editorial in the Farm Forum guide Farm Forums: making :1 direct contrth to a miscellaneoux fund “ere: Keneon. \‘ietoria. Mount Pleasant in Perth. Go-h Toenxhip in Huron sent a donation. :Ithe members ot Brookdalc Women‘s 1I1~l in ()\t'ord County.