The P resident’s Corner Mrs. l. G. Lymburner President F.W.|.O. Challenges and responsibilities before them always. But we are not intend- ing to concern ourselves at this moment with all women; we are. rather, going to consider the challenge which presents itself to members of this far-flung organization to which we be- long. Perhaps no other group of women have such far-reaching relationships as we enjoy today through our afï¬liations around the world and surely our opportunities are as great. if not more so. for doing great things than are those entertained by many women‘s groups. And this condition is not happenstance; it came about only because there were women of great visiOn and talent who believed that there was a place for women in the scheme of aï¬airs around the world which. if used to the best advantage, could only be for the beneï¬t of mankind everywhere. Recently we listened with pride while the woman who ï¬rst had this vision was eulogized by many persons when a plaque designating her as an historic person was unveiled at her girlhood home at St. George; and while we were ï¬lled with pride we were conscious too. that Adelaide Hoodless was a dedicated person who was not afraid to speak out for those things which she believed were right and to expreSs criticism of those things she honestly felt must be changed. even enduring ridicule for her efforts. And we were certain too, that she did it not for personal honor or glory but because she was a woman dedicated to the performance of those things which she felt were needful and that in a day when women did not go about making public speeches. In her short life she left behind her so many ï¬ne things. We feel that our organization. the Fedâ€" erated Women’s Institutes of Ontario and all the afï¬liations of this ï¬rst group. is one of the finest of those many things. What, if anything, do we owe to this woman who in the sixty-ï¬fth year of this organization has been thus publicly honored by the gov- ernment of Canada and the many who attEnd- ed the ceremony at St. George? We owe ï¬rst of all appreciation that she had such a vision THESE are great days for women with 4 and the determination to work for those Things which she foresaw as being good and new“. and if we are truly appreciative, then we lutL owe a re-dedication at this time to the slim and objects of our organization so that thum- things for which we were organized trulv tn;â€" come real and important to us â€" so much so, that they become of prime importance in |lin our program of work to the EXCILISIUH “I other activities which because of their ‘ .i- nature tend to minimize the support at m own work. We fear that somewhere along he way many of our branches have lost ‘_][ of the true purpose for which they becanr in organized group under the guidance ol nt- Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario. t- are fearful too. that many are more COnCU.‘ -il with the business of others than the sur- it and fruition of the work of their own or l- ization and this is a matter for SEFiOUs l- sideration. Your organization never had so mam .lr portunities for spreading around the worlc w; gospel of peace and goodwill as it has it :and that work is only hampered because ll members apparently feel it more importtn .i make other organizations wellâ€"knOWn antl loved for their work rather than to use all . facilities their own organization has at ii l for giving assistance to women in other I. around the world. What is it that we nee. do. or have left undone. in order to perst our members to take pride in the accomr ments of the Women’s Institutes of Ontu How can we persuade them that there others who recognize the importance of organization in the scheme of world alfa How can we open the minds of our memle to a realization that their work does not : l with the things done in the branches and i every branch has a responsibility of pr necessity toward the work of the organizai at other levels. How can we ï¬nd words to: phasize that what is done at branch level i reflection upon the entire organization who it is for good or ill? Early in September your President will leaving Canada to go with the Canadian dt gation of Women's Institute members to Triennial Conference of the Associni Country Women of the World to be held Melbourne. Australia. There. many lal'ge ~ important matters will be discu3sed and ht again, the work to be done will come abv only in so far as all of us have supported 1, a international organization. Here, we shall hu- ' opportunity to speak of the things which yw: organization is doing in Ontario and we shy I Present your special gift to the Pennies Fl Friendship Fund. Here, we shall speak of in establishment of the 65th Anniversary Scholar HOME AND COUNTRY