Senior Citizens' Club organized and as. sisted by lngleside Institute, Stormont County. Workshop on Citizenship A "Citizenship Workshop" attended by fifty" five women was arranged and carried through by the Women‘s Institutes of Perth Centre District last March. Bornholm Institute acting as the hostess branch. The District Citizenship Convener. Mrs. Detâ€" mar Smythe gave an outline of the meaning and requirements of good citizenship and di- vided the members into groups to discuss such subjects as “Citizenship in the Home". "Citizen- ship in Elementary Schools". "Secondary Schools and the Teenager". "Community Acâ€" tivities", "Citizenship as an Institute Member". The district convencr provided each group leader with a list of questions to which she might add others of her owu choosing. and gave a summary of the findings or her group. There was a talk on "The Famin in the Modern World" by the director of the local Children‘s Aid Society and this was followed by a discussion of alcoholism. divorces. churches and present influences such as puh- Iic standards. school dropouts. working moth- ers. The District President. Mrs. Conrad Sippcl spoke on "Everyday Citizenship". There was also a talk on the new Women‘s Institute Hand Book by Miss Lilly Dempsey. The roll call was answered by the citizenship converter of each Institute telling what her group had done 0n citizenship during the past year. Musical numbers and skit contributed to making the day as entertaining as it was edu- cational. Use For Used Christmas Cards By Mrs. G. N. Rolcson UR members were w0ndering what they 0 could do with their used Christmas cards. They could not very well keep them from year to year and they seemed too pretty to burn. Then we saw this piece in the paper: “Missions in various parts of the world are able to put used Christmas cards to good use and they will be gratefully received. They may be sent to the following: ‘ “Balitist Mission in Bolivia. care of Mrs. (J. Cork. IO Tichester Road. Apartment 48. To- ronto. Ont. SUMMER 1962 "East Asian Mission Sunday Schools. cure of Mrs. S. Htlstztrd. Box 4.15. Clarkson, Ont. "Rev. Raymond Provost, The Mission. 1 Nam San Dong. Taegu. Korea. "('ards tor destinations itt Canada should be marked "Printed Matter‘ and those tor over~ seas delivery ‘No commercial mine". The end of the parcel should he left unsealed tor postal inspection." So ne are having our members bring their cards to the Fehruury meeting where we will make arrangements to send them away. We will of course provide the postage and the further we send them the more post:th it takes, but it" we lollow instructions trout the post office it will tint he too expensive. l.:t\l year I sent cards to Mrs. Lillian R. DIL‘LsUIt. Pt). Hm. 2|.‘l. 'l'aipei. 'l'aiwam, For- mosa and alter some time I received thi\ re- ply; "thank you tor the used greeting cards. Tltcse will bring great happiness to the children ol' Formosa and to those who are ill. We “ill have a Bible verse printed in ('htncsc charac- ters on each card hetorc it is sent out so that they \ttll carry (iod's message too, _ . _ Little children running home lrom Sunday School “ith a bright card in hand and hatpplttcss in their heath l\ part ot the result. lhc leper pnâ€" ticnts and the aboriginal patients receive them too and It cheers them." We thought thix might he oi interest to other Institute members. County Radio Programs The Women's Institutes ol (no CttttnllL'x. York and (trey. report having Weekly broad- casts l‘roni local radio stations. The hroatlcnsts are all given by Institute members. York (‘nttnty‘s program from l-‘chruary to the tirst of June lists the following stlhiects: “York ('ounly Personalities"; "District Pres- idcnh ot York ('ounty": ‘l-Iistory of F.W.l.().": "Report oi the tiï¬th Anniversary" 7 this came on February 13rd close to the anniversary date: “A New Source ol‘ Historical lnlornia- tion"; "History of the Mary Stewart Collectâ€; 33