4c.- ) . v‘F.‘ ’ at 3i1i . . Purl of a display of ISO rugs exhibited at Middlesex County's Summary Day. The rugs shown were mode by Mrs. Haysel Perrln, second from right, her inspirulion being the log cabin where she was born. Pendleton: “We would like more music in our group. Maybe we should have a training school for song leaders." Clay Bank: “Our main interest has been with the juniors through 4H Homemaking Clubs. We believe this is an excellent way of working for our community and our country and even for reaching new members for our Institute." Combermere: "Every meeting should be care- fully planned with these points in view: Is it fulfilling the aims and objects of the Women‘s Institute? Is it giving some member a chance to take part? Is it providing an opportunity for a friendly, sociable gathering?“ Hawkestone: “The community Spirit that pre- vails in our Institute cannot help but rub off on non-members so there are not many women who do not belong. Even if they are not members they are looked after if need be. This branch brings the women of the churches together once a month,†Eady: “Are we losing sight of the aims and objectives of the Women‘s Institute because of the outside demands for money?" Most Institutes that sponsor 4H Homemaking Clubsâ€"and it seems to be generally agreed that no work would be more worth doingâ€"have the girls demonstrate at an Institute meeting. Ivy reports: “When our club girls completed their project they came to an Institute meeting and demonstrated making muffins. The close rela- tionship between these girls and the Institute is a pleasure to everyone. Some of the busiest mothers in our membership take the leadership of these clubs." Thornton: “With the volume of business to be handled by the Institute it is a ‘must‘ that president and secretary get together and com dense correspondence before the meeting. Our conveners meet with the president and secretary to plan the year's programmes: they also meet before the annual meeting to make out their reports" Cameron: "Always get started on time." Clearview: “A barbecue or tour is a wonderful way to get to know and understand your fellou members.†South Gillies: “Our small membership is scat tered but we do enjoy meeting together once :1 month. For some of the mothers it provides about their only outing or opportunity to visit together." Kawartha Valley: “We decided that instead of having money-making projects, each member would contribute $3.50 to cover fees and every thing, It was so popular that We may adopt the same plan this year." West Ops: "A twoâ€"year term of office for press ident has worked very successfully and we have had more younger ladies take office." Maple Grove: “In spite of continued urging to concentrate on education, finances receive a great deal of attention at conventions and con- ferences." Ridgeville: “For interest, entertain other branches, invite your friends and the women of the community and instead of so much business have some fun and entertainment.“ Northgate: “Balance your programmes by hav- ing something serious and something amusing at each meeting.†Eden Crest * sing in a very Small 1ere are several org ads. For this reason \ ' ests for donations? ‘21 of 30 this branch ‘ ' nest obligations for thel' Institute requiremcu....