Holidoyers in an on interest group directed by Mr. Gordon Cooling, Art Professor of Mac- donold institute. Kemptville Holiday By a Member 10RTY~TWO ladies enjoyed the beautiful setting of the Kemptville Agricultural School for the Eastern Ontario Women's Institute i -liday held August 9. 10 and 11. Mrs. Muriel :‘guson of K.A.S. was in charge of registration. Following the opening ode Mrs. Douglas Hayes L'Orignal, F.W.I.O. vice-president welcomed - ladies to the holidays. A warm welcome to is. was given by Miss Ruth Rorkc. Director the Home Economics Department and the tool‘s hostess. She outlined the many courses tilable to students at the school. Mrs. Hayes ad greetings from the F.W.I.O. president. Mrs. G. Lymburner, in which she expressed hope ll all in attendance at the holiday would find axation, new friendships and possibly a new ll and the experience of living together in the i lightful atmosphere provided by the school. Mrs. E. V. Thompson, holiday secretary, led in immunity singing. Four ladies from the Goshen omen‘s Institute under the leadership of Mrs. .1 ha Miller entertained with some lively instru- r :ntal music throughout the holiday. Their mu- * ' Was a joy to all the holidayers. Miss Isabel 1 slit: of Home Economics Service led an interest ‘ JUP in Leathercraft. She shOWed three different ‘ ï¬les of coin purses that could be made in the on time available. We were pleased to have three ladies from f5ghland Creek Institute as guests; also a 4-H lub member from Oil Springs, Miss Ann Mc- lChlan who contributed to the programme. At the close of the afternoon session Miss iuth Rorke conducted the ladies on a tour 0f W’â€" Home Economics Department. A gel‘ amlainted party was held in the Recreation rfem with Mrs. Thompson providing a mixer 1n lite form of old proverbs. Each lady had to find ljte one with the other half of her Drover- Following this all present told of their favourlte hum-"3’ and there was a wonderful display of melt Work as quilt making, crochet work. rugs- "eï¬dlepoint, embroidery, knitting, spoon collec- “OHS, bouquets from pine cones and Picmres Of Mr“ HA“ FALL 1960 flower gardens. Mrs. Nancy {\lcCuaig of (hiss- burn sang two solos accompanied by Mrs, I. T. MacDonald of Vanklcck Hill at the piano. Miss Rorke and her staff served refreshments at the close of each evening's activities which made an enjoyable ending to the do}. Wednesday morning opcncil mm H mm†“Unto the Hills" and the Mars Sluuul’l Collect, Mrs. Hayes presented the Thought for the Day “"llh Wilding“. "The Homemakers lament". "The World is Mine". and "Touching Shoulders". rhesc thoughts gave a pleasant beginning' for the du}. Mr Douglas Walkington of the ('hcmtcal Du» ision of Canadian Industries Limited spoke to the gathering on plastics. When discussing plastics, synthetic textiles. paints. films. foams and other end products of Chemistry, Mr. Walldnuton used a fascinating array of samples to Illustrate his point. He emphasized that thcrc arc many iypcx of plastics today. It is necessary for manufau turers and buyers of plintit‘ articles to know something about these variations in order to do cidc which plastic is best for a specific ptll'pusc. A toy needs to be made from a tough plastic. a cup or tumbler from one which will stand boiling water_ a folding door must resist lrcqucnl liming. He touched briefly on the history of lcxlilcs and demonstrated the properties of some such as “Terylene†for permanent pleats and lt'tic “wash and wear" garments. in some cases a blend of new and old guvc bcttcr fabrics than a single fibre. » The film taken by Miss Hclcn McKcrchur ol her trip to A.C.W.W. ('onfcrcncc in lidinhurgh was shown by Mrs. Thompson. also a trim ol a Guelph holiday. A talent party in the common room brought out many and varied ‘dCllVlllL‘h. readings. singing, instrumental music. amusing stories and 21 “Dear Aunt Abbie" contest which everyone entered. In Thursday morning's Thought lot the†Day, Mrs. Hayes spoke on "A Kind oi (:Jory . .‘ahe asked “How can we experience more ottcn those rare ‘moments of illumination" whun Wu suddenly feel joy in ourselves and in the world? [hose who apply themselves too closely to hillt- things often become incapable of great things. 29