[t has again been brought to the attention of the Board that the Public Relations Representatives in many cases do not receive reports and outlines in- :ended for them. These are sent to secretaries with other mail. to save postage, and should be passed on to the P.R.R.s. In most cases it has been found that secretaries put them in their own ï¬les. thinking they belong there. It is necessary that P.R.R.s get this matter as soon as possible, as only by studying I! are they able to carry out their work successfully. ‘Editor's Note: Mrs. McCandless is Public Relations Itepresentative.) Review of the Convenership of Resolutions As Resolutions convener for the last three years :i provincial level. Mrs. Gordon McPhatter said: As I have laboured over resolutions, often I am riled with pride as I have considered the excellently .orded and thought provoking resolutions which .tve emanated from across the Province. Clever .omen see a need and voice it through this medium .i capably that it catches the attention of top execuv res in our land, and when it is rculized than over 34.000 women are sponsoring the thought incorporâ€" ‘ed in these. usually some action follows." [The solutions are reviewed later in this report.) A Note to Conveners It is not possible to give the reports of conveners standing committees and the outlines in this port. Both reports and outlines will be mimen- .iphed and mailed to branches shortly. It is rc- iested by all provincial conveners and the Public :lat'ions Representative that these he read by the anch conveners and P.R.R.s and that they form rrt of the programme at branch meetings. Radio and TV Evaluation Radio listeners and TV viewers in the muin :m to be well satisï¬ed with programmes as they . now. 312 reports were received. 41 more for dio than for last year. The most popular radio tions were CBC, CFRB, Ottawa and Barrie, 1h mention of good coverage over local stutions each localityi Wingham is well liked. TV pro- .lmmes from the Uni.th States. where they can seen, seem to have an edge over Canadian TV tions. 62 reported progress on Canadian stations. reral asked for a power boost for Ottawa and se in the North report they can only get Winnie it ln radio the Kindergarten of the Air is still one ndred per cent popular. Sunday School of the and school programmes are still well liked. reral mention local progress. They ask for the ' 0f good English. TV programmes being seen years are still enjoyed. “Leave it to Beaver,“ 21 V one. is quite popular. Some like “Dennis the naca." a new programme for older children, but -ught it gave younger children the wrong ideas. Id again the recommendation is “Less gunpluy" by x c hundred per cent of those reporting. Parents :nt more Children's programmes on Saturday. For women’s programmes here again local sta- ‘HS get the ï¬rst rating in radio. Women usk, ’ “(here have the soap operas gone to?" They would 1 i c to see them in the evening. On TV. serial stories ' ‘3 Popular and many United States programmes H .lueen For A Day." “Loretta Young." “People "’c Funny," “Meet the Millers" and CBL “Open WINTER I960 Mrs. Hoggerty, rcliring Preside-n1l pins lhc presidential badge on the newly elected President, Mrs. Lyrnburner. Hmocf‘ Cooking chutx’ und decorating |LlL‘ii\ urc upprccruted. Women would lilu.‘ to see more interviews with lruvcllcrs and business und professional women. They would like u "Mrs. Fix It†progrummc. They uould prefer movies at 3 pm. instead of at l p.m. ln cntcrtuinmcnl. music of :ill lxinds takes ï¬rst place in radio. A large pcrccntngc rcgrct thc loss of the Happy (lung from thc uir. 'l‘ccn-ugers put: ticulurly like music. There wcrc no rccommcndu» lions for entertainment. The survey shows TV has tukcn over for entertainment. Although the Don Mcsxcr programme on (HF-TV came ï¬rst by :i lttrgc percentugc. most popular programmes were front the USA. stations. Fr'nic Ford was it close second. “The Millionaire." "Dcsilu Playhouse.“ "Playhouse WI." "Steel Hour,“ "The Rcul McCoys" and many others rcccivcd much support. (‘llC-TV 'Frunt l’ugc ('hullcngc" wus included umong the popular programmes. ()uil. programmes were still rulctl very highly. "l‘vc (lot A Sccrct." :Ind “Whul‘s My linc'?†rutcd vcry wcll. Stories with u good moral and [cm drinking \ccncs Wch rccommcndcd for TV with good movies :1: NH curly hour: ("Blfs riltlltl Dcvotion progrumme tit 7.5†n.m. tops the rudio \urvc) in Rcligion. locnl stations with dcvotionul periods at vuricd times In the tiny also rcccivcd touch support. I’coplc llI'L‘ huppy to listcn to the good scrmom on rudio on Sundays when unahlc to attend church. Many ask for good Micrcd music. Church scrvtccs und minister's study on TV rcccivcd one hundred per cent approval. “Truth for Today" und “'lhis l\ lltL‘ lilo" were highly ruled. Radio and TV Wch I‘cpol'lcd to be giving good covcrugc on :igrictllltlrc. Murl-L‘l rcports tire of great Importance to the litiincr. Many mentioned the harm Forum on Monduy nights and the good covcrugc givun to 4-H ('ths and Junior lr'urmcrh' activities. Hints on proliluhlc llllprovcmcntu in agriculture in contrast to the old methods were recommended. Radio is still uwd by EL Iztrgc pcrccnlugc for new» Nearly all local \lullom huvc ncws of great interest as well as world wide news. and the survey shows people prefer this. Wculhcr reports are ex- trcmcly helpful to the farmer. Listeners and view- ers seem to he very well sutixlicd with news cover- age us it is given today.