Province in preparing Citizenship programmes. He im- a wealth of ideas and material and the ability to keep the programme interesting. Two films were used, "World Without End" and -nrotherhood of Man" and in a brief address Mr. \i._-Cui]agh presented the events leading to the [inï¬ltration and outlined the Thirty~two Articles \«Hich state the personal, political. economic and ; .ial rights basic to human liberty. Employing \ nous techniques, role-playing. buzz-session. panel- .1 .‘ussion and group-conference. the workshop 1: seated practical ideas on how to arrange an H. .I-csting and informative programme. .m the appraisal sheets each participant of the \i .rkshop was asked to answer four simple questions h, J: day‘s proceedings. From this summing up we tr that conveners are eager for a new approach in: topic of Citizenship, that they are interested nd fresh material for programmes. that they are erned especially for the younger citizens of :ountry and that they welcome the chance to ». seriously together. were is excellent material available for conveners excellent leadership, too. Why not plan a conâ€" "2." Workshop during the winter months? And «re to tell of it‘ in your annual report next spring. It“ A Tour of the Seaway er one hundred members of the South Oxford en‘s Institutes with several of their menfoll-z ome friends from adjoining counties went on :itlUCled tour of the St. Lawrence Seaway last 161'. They travelled by train from Woodstock urnwall, and from there by buses to visit some it“ park sites and newly moved villages. In ution with the Hydro St. Lawrence Power it they saw a miniature operating model of 'k * * REWARD By Blanche Bane Kuder All day I did the little things, The little things that do not show; 1 brought the kindling for the fire I set the candles in a row, I filled a. bowl with marigolds, The shallow bowl you love the best â€" And made the house a pleasant place Where weariness might take its test. The hours sped on, my eager feet Could not keep pace o ith my desire. So much to do, so little time! I could not let my body tire; Yet, when the coming of the night Blotted the garden from my sight. And on the narrow, graveled walks Between the guarding flower stalks I heard your step: I was not through With services I meant for you. You came into the quiet room That glowed enchanted with the bloom Of yellow flame. I saw your face, Illumined by the Eirelit space, Slowly grow still and comfortedâ€" “It's good to be at home," you said. i t * INTER 1960 * i * LIFE By Nan Terrell Reed They told me that life (nuld he just “lint I made it~â€" Life could hi.- inshhmul and worn likc i1 gown; I, the designer: mine the decision \V‘hcthcr to wear it “ith bonnet or rroon. And so I selected the prettiest patternâ€" Life should he made of the rosin-st hueâ€" Somcthing unique. and .t hit out of fashion, One that perhaps. would he thuscn in luv. But other folks crime and the) lennul o'cr rot shoulder: Somebody questiunul thr- ultimate tmt; Some-hotly tangled lllL‘ thrcttd ] \vns using: One Lid) I found lll:l.[ my scissors were hot. .-\nd some-hotly (Llil‘l'lll'll the ntntcrinl indud; Somebody said I'd be tired urt- 'totts “urn: Somebody} fingers. too pninlud .Ind spilt-fol, Snatched at the cloth. .tnd l no it our; turn. Oh! somchodi tried to do all the \l‘\\lll_l.', \‘J'nnting .l|\\‘:ll‘\ to .tdviw or condone. Here is my lilo, th‘ product of mam; “ilk-rt: is that gown l tottltl lnshiuw :lIIIllt'.’ it i ‘k the pmver house ntld n movic showing the work of milking the scnn‘tty and Hunting tht: ncw village. The trip included n tour of the United Slnlcs SL'il- wuy and n vicw ot' \Ulllt.‘ ol' lhc lnrgcr hunts going through lhc locks, Mrs. W. l.. Addimn who will us it rcpotl or this excursion gave this finnncinl inl‘orinntion which might be interesting to other hrnnclics plnnniug n similar trip. The entire trip ctisl cnch person $27.50 and included it 4llll-tttilc lrnin jottrncy, two mcnls on the train, it hundred-mile hm trip, :1 hotel room, breakfast and luncheon. 'lltc pnrly lt-l't Woodstock one Tuesday til noon nnd iclntnt-tl on \‘l’ctlncsdny shortly :lllCl‘ midnight. Novel Historical Meeting To bring to thc county historical ~ot'it'l\' more information on locnl htslon. il uns stipptwlctl n] n mcctinp of ()xl’ortl (tllllll) Women's lll‘illllliL‘N lhttt “visiting nights" mltllti hL‘ hcld In 'L'.tl'inth pulls ol' the county. \stlll members of the iltxltn'tt'nl society as guests. the programme (it each place to l‘L‘ :Irlnng- Cd by the load puoplc nnd Io licnlnrc the history of [but particular suction of lhc county As .1 ll‘Nllll of this suggestion. lhc limbro nnil West lorrtt Institute invilcd lhc hiarolicnl stltlL‘lj. to come to it meeting (It hmhrti in study tilt: Scullish hnclt- grotlnd of thc lorln settle-mum. The group in chnrgc of Ibis \L'l‘llillL‘ \t't'tu Mrs, 1. Mon. the local Instilqu UUHVL'HL'I of historical research. Mrs. K. llt)\\illtl. Mrs. lilnit. Mrs, Row, Mrs. Cnmphcll. Miss (l. Mclhmnlil. Mrs. It, H, Clark, Mrs. R. J. Sutherland, Mrs. A, A. McKinnon and Mrs. J. D. Hossuck -7 the lust four all life members, It was Mix. I'lossnck who will to n report of the meeting. Sixty rcprcscntativcs ol the pioneer fnmilic.» of the community wuc InVllLd lit the meeting as well 35