The Prime Minister, Hon. John Dietenbuker, addressing the comer-lion. At the extreme left is Dr. J. G, Tuggnri, Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Canada; in me right, 'rote his Social History of England he got -: good deal of material from such sources as 'illage histories. It was announced later that Senator Carinm- ilson will give a silver rose bowl award for ‘1 Essay Competition on a subject that had een considered by the A.C.W.W. essay com- etition committee: “How Can I Train My hild to be a Citizen of the World?" The con- ener of this competition is Mrs, George ennett, Simmie, Sask. Your Citizenship Ellen Fairclough, Secretary of State, speak- ng on “Your Citizenship." referred to a rochure deï¬ning citizenship as “the status t a person who gives allegiance to the Gov= >mment in return for his rights and priviâ€" eges.†“It didn’t say anything about his rc~ ponsibilities,†said Mrs. Fairclough, and she eferred to a newspaper editorial headed ‘Responsibilities of citizenship do not end with ax paying." Mrs. Fairclough paid a tribute to the volun» ary organizations that give service in some pecial ï¬eld such as recreation or education. ithout this voluntary service such "frills" ight not be provided or they might be rovided by professionals and paid for in xes. True citizenship involves contributions n ability and means to improve conditions hysically, morally and culturally. It is our bligation to work for the alleviation of uman distress, the preservation of human ecencics, the maintenance of respect for the recdoms we cherish â€" free speech, freedom f assembly, freedom of worship, freedom to ote. Do we properly use these? What about aintaining our democratic government? We hink the loss of this can't happen to us. Our responsibility to new Canadians was WINTER 1 953 Dept, iii Agriiuliuri; Phnin Hon. W A. Goodi-rllow. Miniilcr oi Agricullurc ior Ontario. The other gcnliumnn on the plotiorm it Mr. Goo. H. Ncimi, Mayor oi Olrowo. emphasisz â€" responsibility in friendliness. and in helping lill‘ nmri'oim-rs in it'lll‘li our language and our ways at living, h|‘lpini" [hi-in to taki- thuir Diitt‘l' in Canada rind to help to support rvsponsihli- uuvvrniiu-nt. in the last [on yt‘lll's iii-arly 330.000 pt‘l)[)it‘ from other (.‘Ollilil‘it‘h‘ iiiivi- l‘l‘l‘l'iVl‘Ci thi-ii' i'itizrnship papers in Canada; that Illi‘llnS that ii'll'h‘t' 330.- 000 pt‘upit' :ii'i- voting as to how we h‘illlii iii- gori-riivd. Mrs. P‘ziirixlmiidi rnni-liiili-d: "Th0 [art that pi-iiiili- l'UIIH' to our i'iiiiiilr'y shows ihzil thi'y arc in Ht'ill‘t'il of snnwlhiiiiz. Some. in times Dflh'i. t'illlil' Nt'l'itillu [l'i‘t'tiillll iii worship or t’i'i-ildnni from political uplii‘i-xsiuii; soiiii- ('(ll‘lll' smoking: .‘IiiVl'liilll‘l‘. Snl'lil' i)l't'.‘lllH(‘ they couldn't help tlii-nm-lvvs. l‘i-npli- still L‘fli‘l'lt' icii' iilt‘ Sillllt' i'viist'ini-i. Most (if Hit-iii :irl- adiipliihlin Mns‘i iii ii‘li‘lll wuiit ii fiitiii‘i- l‘ur ii‘ll‘il' children. It hi up in us in look at 1lii:: .‘IH our pi-rsuiuil [)l'lliiii'l’ll and in do it im an individual basis 'i‘liv day will "Uil'il' wlii-n lliis spirit will havi- Illil‘lfl'flil'li [hi-aw iii-iiiili- into our national Mr and 1111- i'i-siilt Will In- .‘I stronger, lwtlur Cilililflili" Thi- ilnn. Drivii- l"iilli:ii, Miiiistvi' of Justin; Attrirm-y General and Ai'linfl Miiiislm' of CitiZi-nship anal Iiiiiiiii_{i';iliiin, prliti' nii Syine bols of GUVl'i'nJ’lll'lli‘ i-xplainini: iiil‘ pliii-i- of tho Crown in our Canadian Govvrnmi‘nt, ihl' Governor Gem-ral. tin» Sviiulr, tho House of Commons; ii‘u: powers and functions of tho SpL‘Elkl'l' in ('ilt‘i'l Iloiisv. tlii- nit-aiiini; of tho Coat of Arms 7 an lnii‘l‘l‘ï¬iinfl siiiiji‘i't for a Citixi-nship progrninmr- at :i hrzinrh moi-ling. international Interests The Hon. Lush-r It. Pearson was guest speaker at the convuntion banquet. Presiding at this session. Mrs. Hugh Summers said that mcmhi-rship in A.C.W.W. had made Canadian Institute worm-n more internzitionaLmindi-d,