KEMPTVILLE HOLIDAY A smaller than usual number of members attended the Eastern Ontario Women’s Insti- tute Holiday held at the Kemptville Agricul- tural School, August 7, 8 and 9. What the group lacked in numbers, however, they made up in enthusiasm. A warm welcome to K.A.S. was given by Miss Ruth Rorke, Director of the Home Economics Department. As hostess of the school, Miss Rorke contributes a great deal to the pleasure of the holiday. Mr. H. Ransome, Department of Horticulture, K.A.S. told of the planned planting of the grounds and in a tour of the greenhouses gave much informal information on soils, cacti and house plants. A tour of the Home Economics Department with Miss Rorke was most informative. Many different kinds of work done by students were shown. Particularly interesting were drapes which had been made for Miss Rorke’s room and a beautifully smocked child’s dress. Mrs. James Haggerty, President F.W.I.O., in her greeting to the members advised them to dress comfortably and just relax, for this was a holiday. In such a friendly and re- laxed atmosphere, members who did not alâ€" ready know the Provincial President, enjoyed getting to know her. A Get Acquainted Talent Party was held the ï¬rst evening and all members contributed something to the programme. Games which helped to get the group mixed were played. After a session of Community Singing, re- freshments, thoughfully served by Miss Rorke and her staï¬, brought a pleasant even- ing to a close. Each morning of the holiday Mrs. Haggerty conducted a short devotional service. Her address each morning was timely and much enjoyed. Wedding anniversary congratula- tions were sung to Mrs. Haggerty on the second morning of the holiday. Mrs. Addie Cardiff also received choral congratulations on the occasion of her birthday. A bus trip to Ottawa and a demonstration in the Department of Fisheries Test Kitchen was most enjoyable. Miss Margaret Myer, Director, welcomed the women to the Depart- ment’s Test Kitchen and Miss Adele McEach- ern conducted the demonstration. Many de- licious ï¬sh dishes were prepared, after which all the dishes were sampled by the members. Very welcome on the bus trip were several 24 Mr. and Mrs RC†. . ‘ Ph ' dlrechng choral gmUFK'dj Guelph Holiday members from the Kemptville Women's [m stitute. The Interest Groups had enthusiastic mem bers. The Choral Group under the leadershi- of Mrs. Roy Graham, South Mounts“, has fun learning several numbers and 31-†had a rhythm band which they enjoyed. The group making Stuffed Toys am Dolls in a class conducted by the Holiday 5.1-. yemy enjoyed what was for most of the manners a ï¬rst attempt to make a stuffed toy. . great was the enthusiasm of the interest gm. that instead of a “Do as you like†evenin.. mem. bers voted to continue the group we 1 On the last afternoon of the holi-E 1 Mr, J. M. Purv-is of the English and El Liming Division, K.A.S., delighted his audiei- with an illustrated lecture of his recent ‘1! to the British Isles. The slides shown, . my of them taken in Scotland, were in l'-:.utiiu1 colour, and Mr. Purvis's comments was thoroughly enjoyed. Several numbers were sung in 11 non}! by the Choral Group, demonstratin how much had been accomplished in a show pace of time. The attractive toys and doll nade by the Stuffed Toys Group were slim. and two dolls which had been a “combined .-VÂ¥ort†by several members were presented l-irs Haggerty for her grand-daughters. A very hearty vote of thanks was tci lered to Miss Rorke for all that was done by t:» staff at K.A.S. to make this a most ham and successful holiday. The smallness of the holiday gzn I at Kemptvilleâ€"there were tWentyâ€"six in. rindv anceâ€"in no way detracted from the '.day, for it was like a family party and as Sin 5‘ was Enjoyed by all. New friendships hail been made and old ones renewed, and as ‘Jood byes†were said, plans for meeting age.» liext year were being made. Rhythm band at Kemptville led by Mn. ROY ("Uham‘