hile other members kept score. Two children om each school were eligible to compete in ach class. Each pupil competing was allOWed choose his prize book. Those with highest oints got first choice and we had several are books than children to ensure a good election. The winning school received a good ook about animals for their library, which ey had requested. Each school also presented some programme nd we were entertained by music, dialogues. ecitations, drills and a dance, after which ur committee served lunch. The evening as greatly enjoyed by all present and many eachers expressed their appreciation of the reject. Throughout our campaign we had the help nd approval of Mr. E. R. Underhill, our ton-a1 ublic school Inspector. A QUILT AND RUG FAIR LANS are in progress for the 1956 Sinicoe County Quilt and Rug Fair to be held on July 25 to 28 inclusive. Those on the ommittees are doing their utmost to make his the best fair yet. This year it is to be eld in the Exhibition Building in Coiling- yood. The correspondent, Mrs, Frank Shearing. .R. 4 Stayner, says: We are trying to make he Quilt and Rug Fair at Collingwood some- ing really unusual. To our knowledge it is ntario's only Quilt and Rug Fair. This is a onrcompetitive exhibit but the articles shown ay be sold by the owners if they so desire. ery old quilts and rugs, the Pioneer ones. re treasures around which there is usually human interest story. And of course a great any of the workers are Institute meinbersl he ladies of the county have made two imcoe County quiltsga map with lovely rillium quill designed by Mrs. Ado Bruce Torrance and ode by Wurminsler Women's institute, shown at Simcoe County Quilt and Rug Fair. SUMMER I 956 Siche County rug. designed by Miss Katharine Day. hooked in block; by women throughout the county and assembled Under the direction of Mrs. V. Trask. The twelve picture blacks represent the months of the year: January, bore trees; February, 0 doe and foam; March. maple trees with “JP buckets; April, lambs at play; May, return of the birds,- June, tish in o sfmum: July, suntlcwcrs; August. sheaves of wheat; September, applet an a tree; October, wild geese,- Novcmher, squirrels with nuts; December, Christmas evergreens. appliquch motifs of county iiiit‘i'cst. Lost your it was tl County i'ui.-,. Tlir» him-ks of this wr-re made from one end of {hp coiinly tn the tillli'l‘; each picture block representing :1 month. An- other line llllL‘l‘l'Sl I)1L't't' is the KllClll‘l'u‘H'illlri quilt designed by 'l‘hiii' Hanson. We ziri- iilsn emphasizing the “Gay Nllit‘llos" [)L‘t‘lUtl this year as Well 11>: lliu lovuly nltlflt‘l‘n designs. Some of our artists llil't'v [lf‘HltLtlf'd quills and l‘LllLi-t [lll' this showing and lllCHU tll‘v now being carefully made. There are splendid piii'kini.r facilities on our Exhibition grounds which Wr' do hope to sun wcll fillcrl with buses and wars. Tlir- Intuition is on the custom edge of town :is (Jlll) is (ll'lVlllL‘, into Collinitwnnrl iin llltflllu’tiy Eli Wlllt'l‘l mint-s from Barrie. A SWISS RECIPE Milk producers in WilliOl'li'lUl‘, SWllzt‘l'lfllld, fll'flillllletl a competition for milk beverages. Out of 200 entries the winning recipr- was: Mix Juice 01' a 1-2 a lemon and '53 an orange with one toasponnful ul' grenadine (primers,er etc) syrup, one yolk of egg, (lrlL: tonspoonl‘ul of sugar, With about '-‘-_- pint of milk. 7 Mrs. Meier, Switzerland. 27