Local leader of Dnrnoch 4-H Homemaking Club, Mrs. William Davidson, member 01 the F.W.l.0. Board, and her daughter Shirley who is completing her fourteenth proiecl and who spoke for her club's display on Achieve- menl Doy. ,s. ,5,- _='.“4- - is “an ‘ A ass-ems. _. On Grey county's 4-H Homemaking Club’s Achieve» mcnl Doy, Marilyn and Evelyn Clugsron, ol lhe Niliy New Englanders' Club presented this display of equip- man! they had made in their "Clolhes Closets Up-lo- Dale†club. Their mother is club leader. lltE HAYS UlTH UNE VEEU'AELE Al Lincoln Counly’r 4KH Homemaking Club'x Achieve- monl Day. a local leader, Mr;_ L. E Websler, centre, discunci with Leanne Locke and Elixobelh Websler their demonslrulion oi five ways ol serving carrots. 22 their own membership provide the local lair]. ers for homemaking clubs, and then assist it]! this leader’s expenses. Institute women r- V- out to see the girls’ work on Achieve“ um, Days; they have them put on demonstrai at Institute meetings; they encourage my ' every way possible. Incidentally many an “Reports of Meetings" name the Institute- gram put on by the homemaking club gin the outstanding program of the year. The purpose of 4-H Homemaking cln: broader than just teaching practical Sklli~ Foods the girls are taught to “eat right 1i. right", to plan, prepare and serve noui-isl appetizing and economical meals. In Clol they learn not only to make clothes but to buy wisely. In Housefurnishing they 1 accessories for their rooms and they air! quire a sense of orderliness. This broader cational purpose applies in all club work. the first and foremost aim of the club pm is the development of the girl herself. All clubs in a county or district carry m same program at the same time, choosing ‘ project for the year at their Achievement i Following are the units to choose from year: FOOD CLUBS The Supper Club Choosing food for health is the basis 0? project with emphasis on the planning, pv- ration and service of family and club supi Table setting and service is studied along the preparation of supper dishes such as 5L! fruits, cream soups, scalloped dishes and biscuits Dressing Up Home Grown Vegetables The use of vegetables on all occasions ner, supper, school lunches and pariic stressed. Club members are encouraged II and to like healthful vegetables by lcarnn, prepare and serve them in a variety of \i The Milky Way Health Via the Milk Route is studied learning the value of milk; how to care I'm and how to use it in a variety of ways in I - ily meals. The use of milk in the child's v and that of the invalid is also considered Meat in the Menu Identification of cuts of beef and pork mu it possible to select meat to fit the farm resources. In this project, club members sl‘ secrets of beef and pork cookery and pl‘ï¬â€˜l‘ such dishes as swiss steak, beef stew, etc- The Cereal Shelf The preparation and service of cereal foil as breakfast cereals, whole wheat muffl rolled oat cookies, etc., is included. The L- of whole cereals is stressed with emphasis ‘ the importance of cereals at all family mcu HOME AND COUNTR‘