The children in lhe pidure are wearing a “tile boys' and o lillle girls' historic Korean coslume mode by Korean women using sewing machines senl lo lhern by Contributions to the Hurricane Fund, report~ {l by 546 Institutes, amounted to $8388.44 dong with a tremendous amount of clothing .nd food, the President said. The women were reminded that contribu- lons to help defray the expenses of delegates n the next A.C.W.W. conference should reach he F.W.I.O. Secretary, Mrs. G, Gordon :Iaynard, Unionville, Ontario, not later than september 30. Panel on Institute Procedures An interesting and profitable feature of the onference was an afternoon given entirely In the discussion of Institute work. The t'omen were organized in groups of around ‘fty or more with a leader for each group. The leaders were Mrs. Arthur Hamilton, Mrs. \ 'larence Hayes and M155 Elizabeth Master, all if the Women’s Institute Branch; Mrs. J. R. Tutcher, Mrs. Elton Armstrong, Mrs. Edmund [ansuld, Mrs. Wilmer Keyes, Mrs. R. J. :‘enney, Mrs. W. P. Simpson, all highly ex- terienced in Institute work. On the morning following the discussions vlrs. Futcher, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Penney and Mrs. Hamilton, with Mrs. Futcher acting as chairman, staged a panel discussion dealing partly with the findings of the groups of the previous day and partly with other Institute ‘lue$ti0ns â€" some of these coming from the audience. SUMMER I955 the Women's Inlelule of Onlurio. The costumes were sen! lo Mrs. MorPhaHet, seen u! left of lhe group. The first point for discussion was how to stimulate interest in the Women‘s Institute. The panel members agreed that at monthly meetings very often so much time is taken up with business that litttlc time is left for an interesting program. Meetings should start on time and close on time. The president must try to “speed up" the business part of the program. If discussion gets into a hopeless rut perhaps the motion concerned can be tabled until the next meeting. Another sug- gestion for taking care of business more ex- peditiously was to turn over to a committee any business that would involve lengthy dis- cussion and that could be handled by a com~ mittee. Officers should remember that home- makers have a duty at home and mothers of young children, especially, have not time for late afternoon meetings. The program slmuId have something for every age group represented in the member» ship. Every woman should be made to feel that she has a part in the meeting and this can begin with the roll call. Roll calls should be in keeping with the theme of the program and it was recommended that the names should not be called in the same order at every meeting »- so that “Mrs. Z†would not always be last on the list. To discourage mem- bers answering only by saying “Present,†it was suggested that these be required to pay a fine of five cents, and that at the end of the year these fines be used by those who 13