RONT ROW (left to right): Mrs, John H. McCulloch, _R, 2, Brampton, Convener of Home Economics and with; Miss lno Hodgins, Corp, Convener at Comr . unin Activities and Public Relations; Mrs. J. Cooper, 09 Norlh Marks St, Fort William, Convener of Citizen hip and Education; Mr. C D. Graham, Deputy Minister, apartment at Agriculture; Mrs. G. G. Maynard, Union- ille, Secretory-Treasurer; Mrs, Gordan MocPholter, R.R. 7, Owen Sound. President; Miss Anna F. lewis, Director. omen's Institute Branch and Home Economics Service, r5. R. G. Purcell, 345 East Mary 5L, Fort William, osl President and Convener of Resolutions; the Honour. bfe F. S. Thomas, Minister of Agriculture; Mrs. J. C. hompscm. Beornsville, Convaner of Agriculture and Con- dion Industries; Mrs. Sanford Aikins, R.R.2, Creemore; onvener of Historical Research and Current Events; Mr: , Ridley. Caledonia, F.W.I.O. representative on F,W,|,C. Board. CENTRE ROW: Mrsr R. J. James, R.R. I. Kenoro; Mu. D. I. Goddard, 617 Van Norman St, Port Arthur; Mrs. ulture as a way of life. I believe that armers â€" men and women working with attire â€" apart from actual labour in agri- ulture and its relations to Canadian Indus» ries. have a great privilege and a great re- ponsibility in this hurried world of today. his world where people are rushing ever aster toward â€" toward what? Theirs is and ‘iust be the example to the world 01' thr- ureter way of life. of the concept of the elation of man and his stewardship to his .- 9 r5 a: w 0 ’1 1 istorical Research and Current Events. by ‘l lrs. Sanford Atkins. Mrs. Aikins reported that area converters re to be congratulated for the efforts they '1 ake to have their reports compiled. 815 Tweedsmuir histories were reported in Ontario. Four districts. South Huron, North I iddlesex, South Oxford and Perth Centre. have a Tweedsmuir history in every Branch Fiftieth anniversaries were celebrated by South Oxford and North Middlesex districts 811d Springford. Tillsonburg. Appin. Cold- WINTER 1955 FEDERATED WOMEN'S INSTITUTES OF ONTARIO PROVINCIAL BOARD 77 “9544955 Thos. Lemoy. Grovenliunt, MIL Brock Suddoby, RR 2 Desborotx; Mrs. H. Williams, Carson; Mrs, J. H. M( Donald. New liskeord; Mrs‘ P_ McPhedron, Peirolio; Mu Keith Edwards. RR. b. Cholliom; Mrs. Norman Kvolinri, Winghom; Mn. R. Mclollan, RR 4, lane Station; Mu George Wilson, RR‘ 6. 5|. Marya,- Mrs. E. E. Towx, R.R. I. Coinsville; Mrs. Roberr Paisley, R.R. a. Dunnvrllv; Mu Gordon Oricld, RR, 2. Dundoa; Mu. W. Goorllellow‘ RR. I, Mint-sing, BACK ROW: Mus Jowphine Blvd. Coyugn; Mu, Roy Graham. Soulh Mountain; Mn L Gibaon, Kemptville; Mrs. S» G. Wilson, Arnpiior; Mu. Jamm Harm-My, Nopunee; MM George Burkill, RR. 2, Franl-lorcl; Mn, W. H. Burns, R.R. 'l. Benvarlon; Mn; R‘ Bumll, FLR, 2, Cloremonl; Mn. Fred WIIAOH, Erin, Mn Fwd Ritchie. Shallow lake; MM. R. D. Hendry, ll Err-.l SL, Ooll; Mrs. W. A_ Davidion, RR. I, Cholsworth; Mr», D. S MtNouqh'lon, RE. I, Bluevaln; Mu. P. Alvxoncll'u Pinkerton. sin-uni. Shillu. Muilnl HIL‘III, liiiilin'iv. llm brook, Sanford. Snmh Lolni, Bur-m ‘Vlllt‘. Dununnnnn l‘ii:»:lnn-h, RIVI'I'StlIt', Ilrunpxtunri. Wi-Ili'slt-y, UL‘LIt‘IIlHII'p‘ :iml Holstein Irrniirsln-s Tlu- first \‘Hlllnil' (if the l‘rni'Hn-inl 'l‘u'i-r-ils nitiir History Brink has lll‘l'li r-rinljilr-lr-rl ll r-rintnim phi)th and [he hiatm’y lil' lII:-.lllIlll' work for llir- lirsl lil'ly yours. IVIIHH I‘lllltll Culling 'isxisti'rl lhr' Pl'ltVlllI'lllI Converter with this [)l'liJeTl. Many bus luilrs \k‘l‘l‘t‘ 1.1km) Irv tln- lil'lllit'l‘ll'h to Visit Iilh’lUl’JI'ilI Mir-s. in t'lllh‘lllil, the- Con- \‘1‘I'lL‘l‘ ([lll'ill‘t’l this poi-m: "Oh. that wr- might grow Ill Vll'llll'. Iciliflllr nose and emit-r, Ax timr- rlrnws 11:â€": pvnr‘illr'rl IIIIL'S lllJUIII thr- sigemg false. Growing happier Ill llil' mellow IILQIII Ul sunset gold. Growing swm-tm', growing thtrl', as \\'("l'(' erowmu old." Public Relations and Community Activities. by Miss Ina Hodgins. MISS llodujm said ll was apparent that the Institutes In Ontario arr- covering a wide 7