Here and There With the Institutes Cleanings From “Reports of Meetings,†Editor‘s Note:â€" Again. as in our 1954 Winter issue we are taking the material for “Here and There with the Institutes" from the annual Reâ€" ports 01’ Meetings prepared by the Branch Secretaries. Our main purpose 18 to gather from these reports notes and ideas that may carry suggestions from one branch to'another f not to give publicity to any particular Institute. So it may happen that an Institute carrying an an excellent program and contributing to all sorts of community projects may not be men- tioned because what it is doing is already well known and many other branches are damp the same things. We hope the Institutes not men» tioned will not be disappointed and that the notes recorded will be of inspiration and Practical use. Outstanding Programs S THE outstanding program of the year many Institutes named the meeting when the Homemaking Club girls demon strated their club work. Several branches selected an illustrated lecture on landscaping farm grounds, by a representative of a nursery ï¬rm. “Grandmothers Meetings" were popular â€"some Institutes had a banquet for the grandâ€" mothers; some arranged exhibits of antiques. Kintait had a meeting honoring their older members and presenting each with a cup and saucer, an Institute pin and a picture of the entire group; the district president spoke. There were several mentions of the outstand- ing meeting being the meeting of the District President's visit. Choosing their most outstanding program. a number of Institutes gave ï¬rst place to a meeting addressed by a local or special authority in some ï¬eld. Doctors and nurses brought valuable health education. At Ballinafad the nurse from the county health unit explained the services available from the health unit. At Gloucester Glen a Vicâ€" torian Order Nurse spoke on her work. At Blount a nurse spoke on “Childbirth Without Fear", Melrose reported their health meeting when a registered nurse spoke about “Cobalt Beam Therapyâ€, describing her personal exâ€" perience and “creating a hopeful keen desire to ï¬ght cancer." At the same meeting the Supervisor from the Children’s Aid explained her work and the report says: “We realized more fully how we could help in this work with underprivileged children." Shelburne and Lunenburg each named a dootor’s talk on the heart and high blood pressure; Rugby a doctor’s talk on Polio and Other Diseases; Pinkerton, a dootor’s lecture on the symptoms and treatment of cancer; Lynedock and the Busy Bees of Halton, a talk and ï¬lm on “The Fight Against Cancer"; Holyrood a talk on 32 Polio; Saltord a public health nurse». Inlt: on Mental Health; Burriss and Devlin no.1 mm on Polio and Mental Health by 1.... mm; doctor. Hornings Mills had a paper in. pnm. Housing's Relation to Health; Campania's health meeting featured ï¬rst aid. Pmphm were distributed and a First Aid In K was shown. Interest in mental health seems tr. 3UP eral among the Institutes. City \"t and Motivate had a doctor speak on Ch Po» chology and invited the neighboring l: llllh As their outstanding program ll sham. Alice and Zion listed addresses by €\, 1 D Parks of the Canadian Mental Health «ma- tion. At the Zion meeting there Wu with. sion of the motto: “Be too large for nH'i" too sensible for anger. too strong for l c and too happy to think of trouble." At 1! 4mm] they had “a ï¬lm showing how to qu: the minds of slow children." Amherst ls" Hi re. ports: "After hearing an address by . the: of retarded children we sent for tlu- imn‘ Round Up bags." And Lucan says: " l":- sult of our meeting on mental health. lit-S of lectures on Mental Health will |r Wen this fall.“ Buckhorn had a talk on ch wet- fare by the president of the county that Health Association. Point: Alexander's rus- sion of mental aid to children. dealii with Fear. got the members interested in tlllw' study. Fisher’s Corners’ best program 1 wed two ï¬lms, “Your Children and Mil" and “Why Tommy Won’t Eat.“ All the Wm H ut the community were invited to this I- ma Manilla put their health program ï¬rr nth the ï¬lm “Shynessâ€, obtained from the lllhi Health Association, 111 St. George * Tr" ronto, and a review of the book “Tht «ctr of Positive Thinking." Torbolton had vlai evening with an address on mental hr W. I. A considerable number of outstandn nth- grams had to do with the school and ma- tion in general, including the study 01‘ t H1- ship and cultural interests. The in t in}; seem well worth recording: Britannia: a Parent-Teacher’s meetii‘ will a panel discussion on parent teacher rd in? Sunday Creek: a teacher’s talk on how r m-i can help the teacher. Dunrobin: an add: 11" 3 Vocational School teacher on his wort will problem children. North Gower during willi- cation week" entertained the school chi Men and they provided the year‘s outstandm 1'11" gram of music, choral speaking and J 'llï¬- tions. Phelps: a school Inspector’s 131‘ '53" plaining the working of the central SCl'lUt“ arr- HOME AND COUNTRY