That the Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and Institute Grace should be memorized by an embers: . mT‘nat every encouragement ShOUId be give“ young mothch to become members, and walls and {rm-ans, should be found to free them of I'L'Spnnrilblilty so they can attend. _ That District Directors should acquaint themsclwrs With their particular duties and responsibilities. r-spfl‘tally thEir néw r6513?“- mbihty With record to the Extenston Serwce interest Sher-t. _ That the order of business should include a hrlr-f tlnlf‘ for introductions. welcomes. and for occasional reports from officers. particuâ€" larly thv- I)l.\tt’lrgl DIJ'L'CtUl‘. That Roll C11â€: should not always be given With I’l:xrr11-~ In the some order. That programs should be popped up by the tor-hum: ut mori- purely recreational features ~skitu‘ «hare-vies, rule-playing and motion songs. Sweral Institutes reported the success of a (WIMP-t where Easter hats were made of klll'ill‘n llll'lin‘liï¬ and later auctioned off. That thI- l'l'ntillJUnS governing the granting of Lili- Mrntlwhhips should be more care- fulli‘ :lullll't'i and understood That Program Planners should strive for [.mtmtntv in thr-ir planning and aim each yuan-E. wok toward a definite goal. Thar “rum-hos should work much more ihhizt-ntlr at thu- task of developing the talents of thrir thl lilt‘lhi'Jt.‘l'S and rely less on the ill'fll'l'.» of outside speakers~that this fans jn [lllt‘ With our uhjctitlve “to discover, stimulate amt [ruin Ira-'II-rnhlp." That Bram'llvs should recognize and assume thmr u-spunxihihty In the matter of paying I‘XDI'l'lhl'b of itch-gates to District Annuals and mnw-ntmos and that the 53 Government grant may he tltst'ti to int-ct this expense. That Brain-hrs should discriminate between nmtmn‘: an-l hv-laws. and that where regu- lations lnmhnc upon the Branch over a period of Unit on tl'llllll'I'ti. a bylaw Should be passed 'l'iu- i'nlu'v-nsuh of opinion was that the time .‘tllowi-il fur this hit:th interesting and rE~ warding feature of the conference should if possible he extended another year. ('unt‘ercnce Theme And Panel In a talk nn the conference theme. "Start where you are With what you have," by Ethel Chapman. some of the points emphasized were that we h:th ohjcctlvesâ€"~better homes, better communities. the development of our women which should keep us from going into "wild cat" projects not in line with these objectives that ours is .1 non-racial. non-partisan, non: Scctarmn organization and that this must be strictly observed; that our standing commit- tees give. uniformity to our work, and our organizationâ€"from the branch to the district to the convuntion to the provincial board is a great strength to the branch in that united we can do what no one branch could do alone. H Within this framework we are free to or own initiative and it is most impel-13% each branch should use the originality members and try out new lines of i. .g they are good the ideas can be pass r: ..r- it other branches. " The branch president when she tak. ' inherits the institute in whatever eon q ,j. may be, and she feels a stewardship 1 it on to the next president as good ,. than when she took over. Nothing more to avoid mistakes than a thoroug; edge 01‘ the Hand Book and anything 5 can learn abomt parliamentary rules. The president has the individual i to work with and the individual m, the most important thing in the \-.‘ stitute movement; she must not be ow » or exploited in any way, and the . should give her education, sociability opportunity for service. The presiij has to work with present day CODdlt‘ “overâ€"organize" women and that attract them away from the home. Institute which is a homemakers' org; remind women of the importance of ' and family life? Can it do some dignity or even glamorize homemai: We have the community to work might begin with a discussion on "\‘C ‘ community needs.†and start when with what we have. If we need a Cu,- centre and can’t have it right away have an old hall that could be fitted nothing more than voluntary labor; have the school and our homes when: practice for plays and concerts. W not try to do everything ourselves; SI.- we can co-operate with another org; or get a larger authority to provide i. community needs if it be someth' street lights or a music teacher for th And we have our larger responsibili‘ t: r world community. Institute women n ' province have gone a long way in the tion of their responsibilities as world but there are still in Ontario many who have not been reached by any at 'l ' along this line. We should try to rea- ‘ «' women and bring them into the Inst we can do this we may be aceomplishii than if we attracted only the womcr need is not so great. In a panel Discussion on the COL theme. the chairman, Mrs. R. G» i described three types of Institute: the 3. group of women who enjoy the Instil W don‘t try to make it do anything. don“ ‘3Ԡmuch about increasing membership. take courses or concern themselves With any need in the community; H‘s active group, usually young women, wi- so hard at raising money and have . good time doing it that they don’t giV' thought to the Whole scope and purPU- Women’s Institute; a group of women _' together in a common bond for serviflet in bring in Women, not only the ones Wt "our sun COUNT"