Firs! prize rug in the Provincial Rug Compeiilion, in an original design of )rilliums and maple leaves, was made by Aiikokan Inslilule. In the background is Culpoys Buy Instilule's rug Icaluring lheir "W.|, Hall." The rugs piled ul1he righf are winners from other canvenhon areas. M155 Anno F. Lawis, centre, convened the Rug Compeï¬h'on. Righl, Miss Audrey Spencer, Supervisor Home Crofts, W.|. Le“, Miss Irene McBride, Fsychologis!, W.|. Brumh, who had just returned from sludy in Branch. Europe a! lhe time 0! me exhibifion. SUMMER 1954 No. 2