Anniversaries ‘ Announcement About Pictures In the last issue of Home and Country and again in this issue we have used a great many illustratiOns, and every illustration increases the cost of the paper so much that we have gone beyond our budget. I Many of the pictures sent to us are Inst:- tute anniversary photographs. Now that the Women’s Institutes have been organized for ï¬ftyâ€"$1.1- years there are so many ï¬ftieth anniversaries- that it has been decided not to continue to publish anniversary pictures â€" there is an important. place for these in the loeal paper. Also, the purpose of Home and Country is to carry information or inspira~ tion that will help the Institutes in their ï¬ftieth anniversary. From left lo right ,3_ H. programmes and policies. So we will try to Mu‘Lenmm M'_‘- W- HOMO“. Mrs. Arlhuv an confine our illustrations mostly to pictures Edw'" Sham?“ Mâ€â€˜ C- CUPP'E that hate a hearing along this line. And we will try hard to see that reducing the num~ Executives of Tillonsburg lnslilule on lhe on n 0| m5, Long of Meaford in a hall over the kind; her of pictures does not lessen the interest Shop' or value or entertainment Of the PUDET- Solina celebrated its fiftieth ann‘ â€"E(lllor. an open meeting to which the me young people were invited. The ml ORE ï¬ftieth anniversaries have been re- With the Programme- ported since our last issue went to press. B l. . . . . . . ton’s fiftIeth annlversa I At St. Geor e’s ï¬ftieth anmver ar ' me t 1" mg . n g S 3 6 mg brated at a tea Wlth three charter the programme was in charge of Miss Ethel - , ‘ Clcmmons. one of the two living Charter memâ€" :1 ,attlelndance' hThe provmmal pre‘K. hers and the Institute‘s ï¬rst secretary, also the uéce " andt t .8 secrEtarY! Mrs- prescnt convene-r of Historical Research. Miss anfTeplese“ atives fr‘m.‘ Stoney C1“ Clemrnons gave a report of the Institute's ï¬rst as mm the county Insntutes were meeting and a resume of its history. Many of guesm' the“ \ziOlTlC‘Il wore gowns of the early 1900‘s At Rockton’s ï¬ftieth anniversarv PUIU - ter members were present. Mrs. ’I:. ‘ ‘ ‘ _ ‘ compiled and read the I t't ' I a CCiElblalltEECi tits ï¬ftieth anniversary at the district president Ill/ii; 1351::1‘?‘ nor an en er ainment. Their history resented E ' } rccallcd their organization. conducted by Mrs. ijhe disti‘ictaolgiaCZIe‘: WIth the gOOd >42 N $93}; ' worries ms m: . At Dunlvoon's lillinlh onniversor Mrs. Frank Webster of Cree-more y: Fouth from right ;5 . . . who ' In huvlng [he [nsmu’e organized was mSImmenmI doughler, Mrs. Wm. Emma†are: Left In righl: Mrs. Arlhur May reprerenling h . er mo'her. Mrs. Leach, a past presidenl; paSl F'E' "£5 AI her righ' her JUL-Jordine and Mrs. M. L Bell; Mrs. D. C. Dem: Quest spenken The cilher mes'den'; Mrs‘ Pe'er MCFadgen' PM. sec" 5 Frank Hewson, u past president 2.: HOME AND 3 0W"