F.W. I. 0. Board Meeting From a Report by Ina Hodgins was held at the O.A.C., Guelph, on April 28, 29 and 30th. 1952. Twenty-eight Board Members, one alternate, the Honorary Presi- dent, the Director of the Women’s Institute Branch. the Secretary-Treasurer, the con- veners of Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Community Activities and Public Relations and Historical Research and Current Events were in attendance. President‘s Address In her address to the Board Members. the President said, in part: "Some Of the recog' nized leaders of world affairs and peace move- ments say that the chief stumbling b10Ck and difficulty is that men and governments P1359 too much emphasis on the material things instead of the spiritual, There is not enough emphasis on the magic force of brotherly love. "Brotherly love is the heart beat of all religions, Without it, there would be no com- passion. no helping hand, no goodâ€"will. Love [Hr one's fellow man is essential in a well munded, balanced, useful, happy life. "Perhaps most of us admit that we are entirely too busy with our OWn personal affairs to think very much about brotherly love, too engrossed to cultivate our nearest neighbour, luu busy to understand her, too occupied to learn to appreciate and love her, too busy to take into consideration 'her problems. And by the same token, perhaps this application can be transferred from the individual, to the community, the Province, the Nation and the World. It takes a calamity to make us con- sider someone else â€" like the Winnipeg flood or the conditions in Greece, and we have shown how ready we are to respond at such a time. Truly the application of brotherly love becomes with each individual a starting point for a better and warless world. "There is a true saying that ‘The pathway of peace is the pathway that leads from your home to 1111116“. We can do our parts by reach- mil Out a helping hand to the newcomers in “HF midst and if at Tlmes it looks as if they repudiate our utter of friendship we must try to understand their shyness and reserve We can Show our friendliness to the Indian Home- makers Clubs. and try to bring them into closer relationship with us. I sometimes think that our Women‘s Institutes are not reaching nut to the right women. It is the newcomer who does not understand much English or the! little woman with the large family and the improndent husband who needs hour help. Perhaps they are settling temporarily on an abandoned farm or living in that Did Shack THE Spring Board Meeting of the F.W.I.O. 4 down by the railroad tracks. These are i' women who need our help, our brotherly loThe5e are the women who can learn and t velop in our organization, who need to kn- more about health habits, proper food better education for their children. Let keep the pathway to PeaCe well trodden a. let us give these women as well as other welcoming hand. Let us show by our aCil‘ that women can work, build, and live pen ably together." In her report the President said the i standing project of the F.W.I.O. for the 2 was the Tractor and Flour Fund for Greer which $7,397.67 had been contributed F.W.I.O. members. A diesel tractor, disc row and plow had been delivered in Art Greece, in time for the spring work. tractor bears a plaque with the inseril “Gift of the Federated Women‘s Institutr Ontario, Canada.†$1,200 more was set A to buy fuel for the tractor and the baf. turned over to the Unitarian Services 5,. mittee of Canada for food for the peep» Greece. L‘n Secretary’s Report The Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. J. H. Culloch, reported receiving since Oct 1951 .â€" 1,694 letters, mailing 2,097 letters. Branch Life Membership certificates, 3 D1: Life Membership certificates, mimeograp: 85 copies of the November Board Me» minutes and sending out 1,751 pieCe: F.W.I.O. supplies. On November 26th Mrs. McCulloch re sented the President at the Annual Bani at the O.A.C., Guelph, and presented Ontario Women’s Institute Scholarship awn which are given each year to five girls EN ing the Home EocnomiCS Degree Cours. Macdonald Institute Guelph. These aw are given regionally, The sum of $100 1' was given in the East area to Miss Dori Serviage; Center, Miss Betty Eyers; West, 3. Joan Cameron and Miss Anne Fletcher. Til was no application from the Northern parf the Province for the fifth award Mrs. l' Culloch also represented Mrs. Purcell at planning meeting of the new organization. Conservation Council of Ontario. Director’s Report Miss Anna P. Lewis gave the report of l Women's Institute Branch and Home E nomiCS Service. There are 1,400 Sen Women’s Institute Branches, 81 Jun_ Branches, a total of 1,481 Branches with 45.1' members. Twenty-nine new Institutes We HOME AND COUNT?