Home & Country Newsletters (Stoney Creek, ON), Winter 1949, p. 3

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WINTER, 1949 HOME AND COUNTRY FEDERATED WOMEN'S INSTITUTES OF ONTARIO -- ANNUAL BOARD MEETING The annual Board Meeting, F.W.I.O. was held in the Royal York Hotel, ~\’ovember 23, 24 and 25, 1948, with Mrs. J. R. Futcher, president, presid- mg. ' PRESIDENT'S REPORT 1:. welcoming the Board Members, Mrs. F‘utclier urged a greater knowl- edge of the duties and obligations of a good citizen._ "A higher conception or citizenship. is the crying need and tIit‘I‘e is a stirring within the hearts and minds of many of us in answer to this need. A sound knowledge of iha fundamentals of civics and an understanding of. social and economic Issue: is a must if.we are to fulfil the duties and obligations of citizenship." “Our organization is in such an adâ€" mirable position to do this. Our mot- m ‘For Home and Country' leads the any. Training for citizenship starts 1 the home where we teach honesty. loyalty, co-operation. tolerance and responsibilityâ€"all the attributes of a .mnl citizen '. .\Irs. Futcher reported having at- ..-nded all thirteen area conventions .nd as well having contacted Women's institute officers in Manitoba and Home Bureau oflicials in New York slate. She listed her many activities m-luding correspmldence, contacts -ith our English visitors, representa- 'um on other committees and to other rizanizatioris. All in all it brought is. to realize what a very full and mtive life for service our Provincial "It‘sldent lives. She stated, “As a result of my coiiv .ntion tour I was greatly heartened v the extent and scope of our work ml by the splendid type of woman we have within our organizatio â€"ca]i> hle. sincere. friendly and willing to arve unselfishly to meet to-(Iay's med." BOARD DINNER At the banquet given by the Gov- ininent of the Province of Ontario ‘ Anna. P. Lewis, Director of the men‘s Institute Branch and Home .tonomic Service. welcomed the ucsts stating, “We have met this u-ning to honour the hoard members vi the Federated Women’s Institutes ‘i' Ontario. Your job is a heavy one wr you are the voice of over 43,000 ui'al women. This is an informal .iurty at which the Board members ind afiiCials of the Department of A - multure hecome better acquainte .” \liss Lewrs. after expressing Colonel ixv:nnedy’s regret that he himself could .ut be present, introduced the head 'ilI‘fiIE guests. The Hon. W. A. Goodfellow, Min- Hter of Public Welfare, brought meetings from the government and i-xtended best wishes on behalf of v'ol, T. L. Kennedy, Prime Minister of =|i_e Province. He stated that the con- ii'lbutlfll’l of the Women's Institutes is iery fine and it is a great satisfaction to know the are carrying on stronger than ever efore. "We have many area: problems in Ontario and the Women’s Institute is assisting in sol- VHIK them". Mr. C. D. Graham, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, spoke for his Depart- ment saying, “On behalf of my De- Dartment. we are happy to welcome you. I bring to you the good wishes for success in the job that lies ahead. We look to the future." Mr. John Rockwood. Baritone, cn- lei-tamed with musical selections. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR Miss Anna F. Lewis, Director. Wo- men’s Institute Branch and Home Economics Service. reported that the Present membership in the province Stands gt 43,289 with 1.364 Institutes. Sixty-eight new Institutes were or- L’anized during the year 1947-48: three were re-organized and 18 die- banded. Eighteen additional Insti- tutes have been organized since the April Board Meeting. Of the Insti- tutes organized 20 were Junior and 48 were Senior Women’s Institutes. ‘ Miss Lewis announced the appoint- merit of Miss IL Taggart to the staff 0! the Women’s Institute Branch and Homefikonomica Service, as Super- V'fl9r in Home Furnishings and ex- Plamed other gtafl' additions and FEDERATED WOMEN'S INS'I‘ITI'TES 0F ONTARIO BOARD MEMBERS Front Row left to right): Miss I)II\'l‘ chdes. .\I ssippi; .\l‘ dent. R.R. I. St. Thoma Maynard. Centre Row: Mrs. W Alkins, Callunder Byron: Mrs. D kickers, 136 Main St" Port Dnlhou Mrs. ('arl M'oynes. RJL I. (lakn‘ood: Mrs. Arthur Hudsn diun Industries Convener, Caniplu-lll‘urd; Mrs. l.. .\. .\lcl‘lwvn. t‘uiiioni-r. 5‘ Mr. F. 1). Graham. Ilopiily .\Ii ‘ ons Conn-nu, IL“. I. I’onllii Miss Marjorie M chcll. RR. 1. Hannun; M. oni'ener of Historical Resciircli. l‘ninni‘i c. A. .\IrGrcgor, Lit cnaliip Convener. Iloslnirn; h Cadenii. Mnthoson: Mrs. Milton \I’clior. ILII.‘ ‘ . . C l’nlit‘hnt‘l. lldorion: Mrs. “'nrd Iii-liner. Rooney. Atikol-iun Mrs. Arthur Humillon. RR. '1. Atwood. B‘aclz Raw.- Mrs. “Vilmer Iicyes, Hunii' Brnnniii Mumford Centre; Mrs. James licll. It It. 3. Culdwutor: Mm. R. G. I'urcoll lluyhnni: t'nnvt-ni-r. Wolfe lslniiil ILIi 1. I'rc. Mrs. J. S. Saunders ullh)‘. ILII. l. \\'ondhridgc; Mr'. .Illlllt‘s l'lIiii‘h. ('iinipliolll’nrd: Mrs, .I Director and Honorary l’rosiiIi-ni: Mrs. J. It. FIIIK‘IH‘I’. l‘rm'iiirinl l’ri- ‘ or «if :‘El’icllllllrl‘.. 'l‘nriiiiio Mrs. J. II, .\IcL‘iillocIi 1- Little. 670 NhrIqu .\‘l. N.. Ninirm‘: Mrs. G. ( lrs. “"05 Mrs. \\ . Mrs. W. I). “‘nrnor. l'uliIiriiy t‘uiii' ll'l‘ l._\i . .\lrs. l-‘. \l .\lrsl llii i .\‘iiiiiniers. ll frl‘lnr) 'lroiiuiirur. ILR. R I M. lii‘rr. llciitlivuic; Mrs. II. nnlroac: Mrs. W. I' \‘inipsnn. Illi, Dnylnn- Mrs. II. N. \t‘l'i 3. .\Iiir_ .\‘t.. For! Williiini; .\Ir. (‘ Mrs. .\. Ii. Kennedy. M. u-unr ltulhi-rl'urd. Agririilliiri- und t'uiin- miul Wclfiiri. ltussrll. changes. The numt-s of stan inrni- hers were given along \iilli their ut- licial position. In all «lit persons are on the payroll of the Wnnn-I " tutu Branch and Home I-lconunil vice working to servo the rural woman and girls of this Provinro through thi- services ochrcd by the “ninth. In explaining the relationship In»- tii‘ecn the Women's Institute Branch and the Federated Women's lnstituivs of Ontario. Miss Lewis entitled hi-r talk “Sincerer and Alloctionatvli‘ Yours. She traced the growth of III\' Women's Institute movement in (In- tario and how the Federutcd Women" Institutes of Ontario and the Women's Institute Hranrh huvo “grown up in- nether". In conclusion she SIIlIl'lI. "It is IN“ cause of you. the rural women nnd girls of this province that our Brunch of the Department of Agriculturi- exists and it is for you that we {mun tion". SECRETARY-TREASI‘RER F.\Y.I.U. Mrs, J. H. McCullut-h ri-iinrtod that she had sent nut 1604 letters and luid tilled 5::1 requests [or I“.\\’.I.U. sup- plies l.iI'e membership certificates were .sued for 106 Brunch members. and 2 District life members. In pre. sentin her treasurcr's report. Mrs. McCulorh stuth that slic had ru- ceivcd 558 individual amounts of money for F.\V.l.0. including 86 don- ations to the Adelaide Hnodless Fund and she had made 27 trips in the Bank. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Institutes reporting through thi- district und conventinn uruu Lu the Provincial cunvcners l-nvc improved catlv over the post f 'A‘IH'H Then- is still more room for IIIIDI'DVL‘I'III.‘ I. All convencrs advocated the clus nt- tcntion to all information on st ding committeeu such us the shout ‘ ‘unr- tions of Standing Committees" sup- plied thrnugh the Department nnd the Provincial coni'encrs' Outlines of Work which are mailed to all Insti- tutes some time late in January. Stress was laid that special atten- tion be paid lit district annuals to set- that the district convuncrn’ reports are forwarded promptly to the urea convcncr. All aren convcncrs' reports must be forwarded to the Provinriul convener not later than October 1. Mrs. G. Wilmer Reyes in present- ing her report on Home Economira stated that s Ienilid attention had been paid to in phases of Home laco- nomics \iork and included demonstra- tions, exhibits. the sliomnk of flim- strips and slides. ('hild psychology i'iuii'scx huil pmmi ]Iu|iqur “mi gnuil USL‘ hud Iii-on IIIlllIl' uf svrv us lI\‘llII- iilili- [ruin [lic- I'u<uilui'uli\ Program. The 4'itizvnsliip ri-purl gii-nn by Mrs. W. A. Mi-C ‘I'KOI' told "I llu' \\‘|'I lulllt' iilnl us ' unci- Iii-int: given Ni-ii i'uiiaiilium llw Iiisliluiu. .\‘Iiii urged the stud) of the bunk l‘liis New ('uniidu" by Miirgurut .\Illt‘r Williunis rind “(IV cd Institutes in \irito to Miss Uflllalillk‘u IInyn-urd. Women's Liaison Olllvvr. Sci-i'ciiiry of Stat1- Department. Ottawa. for fur- ther u. isluin'c \\'IIIl'Il niiulit luv llSL‘lI ut Institute meetings and in min- niunity projects spmmumi by our In- stitulus. 'I'ho Snviul Wolfan rlipurt mm given by Mrs. L. A. Murl‘nvi-n who aliili-rl thut communities have \i'idi-iu'd their Imundiirii's nnd lIU\\' \io llnd rural IIII(I urlinn \\'l|l||l'll \i-nrking i‘lusuI)’ together. Elll'II lins n cmilriliii- tiuii to make to tho ulhor. A grout mim)’ Outiii'io Institutes hiivo uduptoil Institutes iii the (71d I.nnd. ‘I‘hiei worthy project Wits i-nniinvndi-il. Mrs. .\Iui'Eii‘on urged "Lon-k I"Ul'\\l|ril Nut Iluvk". In u rt‘llUI'I, un Iliatui'ii-ul Ili-m-urrli. Mr Horilnii Mui' lll'lI suited. “(liii‘ nin n 'l‘wi-i-dsniuir Ilintnry lluuk in over ' Inaliluic. Slii' urged tliut uri. ninuI devils of {urine In- nevi-d. ’l'hi- distrivt of West I.iinilituii hold the Ill‘rI-L'l‘I I’l‘t'llril OI lUil’j’n of Iiriiiiclieii rcpurtiiiic. IDOC’n of diatrlrts rcpui‘liinz and n 'l‘iwt-dsniuir I'lelnry Hunk in L‘VI'I‘)’ brunch Institute. Mrs. I“ .\l. uuumruni oI r'nnn» licllford. ii ru-purt on Agrirultun- umI (‘nnuillnn Iniluntrii-u. stair-d [hail the farm II.|I)(IL|I" aliurliiuu llflII ihi- l'urni housing uhortagr, on: still ('I’I- ticul issues on funny. A need rnr Imi- priccd hnusing Ifl't'llllilllminilltll {or {arm lutmur i.~i seen. Muiiy l-‘urni Forum» hln’l‘ liven nrwiiii'LI-d liy Illlilir tun-s. All I.)er Ontiirin Illhtlluiit I-x- hihita uro un important fuiituri- of full Inirs. 'I‘Iio establishment «if u lli‘lililll' (Tannvlinn IIundivruft won auitw-atrd. In i'flni‘Iu ion Mrs. liiithvrl’m'il III" plnri-il thi urt that thi-rn uro mi iiiuny UTI'K'K'IIIIII'II farms in Ontario fur the Ilt‘flI'C of tho world depends "I! fun |. Mm. W. Il. Worm-r, I'ubllcity mu- rencr. nimkc of IIIl' nutstunding um. triliulinn the film "Iii-I. 'l'hcrv “1' light" hnd made I0 and [HAItIII'IIV fur our Institutes. S c niclltinm'tl lhut excl-IIth use hud Iwon nlfllll' of press. radio. telephone and stream-Al the Incl. that our Institutes i-un IIu much fur good public relations ihwugli contact and ('qupleiun u-iih other or iinizationu Miss . arjorie . Itchull. IIunnnn. L'HVI' llm I‘I‘IIUI'I |Ill IIIL' .Iiliiiiii- \\'.i lllI‘III\ Ilisllluli- lllIiI Iliiiiii-iiixihliit: l'IiiIis. .\'Iii- luld III' III!‘ :idiipliiiii iil' innni' u\i‘|‘. l|.\‘ (‘Iiilili‘nn lii‘ .Iunlui- Iii sliliili-s. 'I'Iiu lutlora (If IIIIIIIk‘l i‘i'i'i-ii'i-il rm... iiu-.-iul.ir.-u m.- piii'u-l .wui “- must iIili-l'i‘sliiig. Iii-inn mun-n |Il|| Ii lII I'illi'lis'li iiIiiI |tlII'II\ Hi [I'm iiiullii-r lliiiuiin nl' IIIt‘ I‘IlIIlI. 'I‘lii- .Iiiliini'- Ill|\l‘ l‘llIt'l'IlIIlll‘lI IIII‘ SI‘IIIIII'N iil Iiii-i-lings serving Nikos niid l‘UUkII't‘ \\'IIIl'I\ tIii-i‘ Iind Iim'ii qugiil lii lllllhl‘ Ill IIIHIIU- mukinq i‘llllrtu's .\ "mi i-iiliipriai- .n' the .Iiiuiurs is II||' i‘nriiiing of ('Iiiii'iil (il'llllllK. i‘llss .\Iili-lu-Il dream-d IIHII [IIL' .Inniur Ilisllllll a \i’nrv uinal up. prurinlii‘n ..r nip an .im- ill)! In M...» ilnnnlil Iiisliliilv. l".‘III|IIIINI|l‘lI Iiy II||‘ I"I'il' In] Women's Innliluti-n of (mi . Miss liliv-v Mnltliy, \\'mn|liriduvv plum-iiiml ihu l'l-|tltl'l or Ilm .luniur I-‘nnuum' Assm'luliuii sliililiif, mm .Iuninr I-‘urinvra nlli-ndml thii fourth .'\lll\llltI .liiiiim' I’iii'iiin-r l‘niil‘orI-iu-il Iil‘IlI ii. 12 vlpli Iiihl :\p il dnv wrim- IIII \iim i-nndui-Ivd i-nilri-ly by [In- .Iiiui iiii-liidmu tln- FIIIUII llIIiI Ilu- rIn-i liui inu lIn- I'lll'I\' Hlllllr nuvi. I!Il|lI\' Im-nl ('IIIIIN Iiu l'ii-Iil [mi iIn-n Illl‘fzi'l' ruinin I .- ‘ uri- Ii il iiilli IIll‘ \\III||l‘I'.N ('lllll'll' in [mind Finld III|\"( III IIIII‘IIIII, Iiidui-lmi ll unil Iii-iiiplvillin I'ulilii- Sprukiriu und Alunll-m I'IIIII‘I'IIIIIIIIH'III I'iilili‘slt nn- ln-hl Ili ennui-wimp \\i1h II‘it- I'Il'lll‘ruiiitll i-l' I‘lll'Il‘IIIIIII'l' Aiiiiiiiil Minding. /\ II('\\ l'i-vilurn nl' IIIl' IiIIuI rivuir-alu ril' IIII“ vw “iii In- I'- iuiiiiiti' imprninplu uprwlun in inldilirm In “W u-iuiil I" llIlIIIlIi' “Iii-w, Fum- .Iiiiiinr I'illi’llil'lS IIIliI jilsl i-‘Iui'linil rl‘UIlI ii mo 1.. Illinois uh.-r.-, Inr mu mm. IIII‘_\' \inrv IIIi' win-Mu of tho Illinois \’uulh [‘imfnruiu- , ’I'lu-v :iuri-i-d IIIIlI IIH' »"J'II' 'l' of iiIi-iiu iiud LIH‘ \'Ith|Illi' iiiIIi ulIii-I IZI‘HIIIN Illlllllli‘ll‘i IIII' VII [dint unit pman II lintlnr lIlIIII'l~ "izuuliny lwlwvvn vuuntriivx “IIII‘II is the Iii-d ‘III'|l Imiurd ivnrld pcnviu I‘.\‘\'.I.ll. (ll’l’ll'lilltfi' I'UNI’HIU'INI'I‘? Fulli um I‘ iiiiz lht' l‘l'l'llllllnl'lllIIIIIUn nl’ ‘P‘I'II'III. llu- I“.W.I.U. liniird I llu~ hHIlIlnfl iii an l7.W.I.U. (‘unl’i-rwm- ul lhii-lph thi- . nook in Mt. I1 1|, 'I‘linm- cli- gilvln [u nilt-nd IhIN Iii t rnnl'l‘rum-i- :in- limiril Mi-qu-rn mnvnnliun art-ii l‘IlilIl’Illl'II :iml viii-ins. Iliatrict and “much p 'dvnlu uml 'lt luii [rrl‘Hllll'lltN nnd am i-luru-n. 'I'ht- oxv IM‘IINI’K "I lhn I'lln\'('IlIIUTI ilri-ii and dialrivt uIIii-vrs In this th’lfl'rt‘fll'l' will IIL' InmeI. It in Hip NIIIN‘H.‘ hull" "I “10 RW I O, Ilnnrd lliut Ari-mi mid Districts viii IlIIlI for full rupri‘avnlulion muI that (i‘ontinucd on nt'XI. page)

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