and... Anaheim, 1947 F.Vi/.I.C. PRESIDENT BROADCASTS MESSAGE Mrs. Cameron Dow. ‘ Dominion President during a special C.B.C. broadcast delivered the following message to Institutes across Canada: Congratulations and happy birth. (-3.. greetings to the Mother Institute “{Stoney Creek, as it celebrates its golden jubilee. In ï¬fty years the in- huence emanating from that ï¬rst Institute has girde the world. We may not call ourselves a Women’s Institute; we may be a Honiemakers' nub, a Country Women’s Associa- 'ion. a Jubilee Guild, or something vslse; but under all these names we groups of rural women banded ether in our work “For Home and i'uuntry", Each of us owes a debt of » titude to the members of that “Sr Institute and on behalf of all, I would say a special “thank you" to we charter members still with you. mu ladies have giVen ï¬fty years of .i-vice to the Women’s Institute. We i‘e glad to pay tribute to the ad- .‘nturing spirit and breadth of vision nat led you on. Now our Institutes begin a new l'fl. During the years we have so vided ourselves on our non»sectarian, nnrpartisan principles that we have hen supine to questions of the day. he time has come to broaden our ninking; to go beyond home and aimtry and remember that we are itizens of the world. Because of nose principles, upon which our or» :mization rests we must learn to iscuss fully and freelyâ€"without re- (ions or political biasâ€"all questions ,llecting rural women and rural .HnlES. The Federated Women‘s lii- iitutes of Canada face the future --ith the determination not only to ‘isnuss, but to get action on all uch questions. When each of our H.000 members lets her municipal, provincial or federal representative .now just what rural women want, «.e shall get action. As rural women, we want a stab- ilized but equitable agricultural policy. Sharing, as we do, in the pro- duction of foods, we seek for higher nutritional standards both at home ind abroad. We shall follow with .Ieep interest the work of the Food ind Agricultural Organization. We are aroused by the deplorable luck of health services in rural areas .iiid the consequent high infant mortality in these districts. We be- lieve that a solution to this problem must be the ï¬rst consideration of any Health plan. We rejoice that no longer need we petition our government to dignify ihe granting of citizenship. There is work for us in helping to make Can- .llllfll’l Citizenship the desire of all. What about juvenile delinquency in rural areas, and surely it is time the rural voice was heard in the plea lnl' penal reforms. The ï¬rst constitution set as a goal for its members the acquiring.v of knowledge. so, from the very be- L'inninz we have been interested in ‘ducation. Resolutions have none liirward on the need of a text that will state with equal truth rind <-lcarness the three periods of Can- :nlian historyâ€"16034763; 1763-1867: 1K6? to the present. It is time we «upped "resolving" and used other means to accomplish this project. Through our membership in the Associated Country Women of the “arid. we shall seek to strengthen our contacts with rural women 'n other lands. Fifty years of Wonic ’5 Institute work lies behind us. We cherish it. Untold years lie ahead. \\ith high courage, We face the future. (Continued from page 4 column 4) mg its intention to grow to mightier brilliance. Candle lighting ceremonies were most impressive. At one cele- bration each President. as she ex- Dressed a wish for the Institutes future work, lighted candles for the years she had been in oflice. Another ceremony had candles lighted res- pectively for the Mother Institute, the Branch Institute, the District, the F.W.I.0., the F.W.I.C. and the A.C. - â€"~ 7 «LL... HOME AND COUNTRY WINNING POSTERS IN WOMEN’S INSTITUTE ANNIVERSARY CONTEST «u mnu |I|I nu» ‘I I\I| ipi inim- an * uniiiuini iiiemrns insulin: ‘. out i so Illin _ 450i warn: INSTITUTE aoni Am'.“" in" n m. mm LUILPH amen: “(I so 'Airiivtrsm OAC “7.... one CULILVH . "so '3' \\u\l|\'~ i\siiii ll Il\l Is I'II7 n\i Liiim \l'll' Ii lillll l'liu :ilioru pmiwi-s new niiun-rs ll\ ilio I‘rnviiinnil l‘mnpi-iiiinn I‘nr push-rs- rilllllllllh‘llIL'.’ ilir l'i‘nviiu'iiil celebration ..r the in nu. Guelph .n. Jiini‘ is. .ui.. declared in High... s... lzll Anni-II. were liUlll .n'niiiul lllv ll\(‘ll\l' fur ilir Hun. Thomas I.. Institute Ann. Anniii- Wunmn's liisliliili- in... i.. .i.»n Top r(i\\‘, Iol’l [it right lzruup. Mr. John .\. \i..rrn_ iinnim. some. ( uk )liilillo iron. in: in righl: pnslrrs siihniillrd by Harold :inilariuiii, I\Ilrliiviii-r; Mrs. Reading, Muniillrli; ins. Irriu- Hliil. an .3. Iliiiniiimi. nmi llillin Fret-port s Vance. s1. igninunl. “Ollulll Rm», loll ii. riglii, poxlcr' ll), Suiilh [Minn]: .\li Marliin. 5.5. .\i>. w.\\'., in...,.inn n... m... gleam or light shining throughout our \\'ni'l:| how“... ur Iiisiiliitus .....-i.. ini: together. mun-n.- nnnnin-rs inn u... 1.1.... "r Iimiuur. sen-mi \\ n. ...-.».-....-.i nan. life inumliivr .n. pin A true inilii-u- tiun til~ iiur :iflcr‘nt‘s’s Iii KII l'iiruiiril was minim-.1 by u nunnn-r ..r llislrirts‘ irhn \n-lvunieil new Inslilulrs m part in iin-ir .n-in .n. mm .1 tribuiv goes In .\Tu. South who have urgnnizwl s. ‘tiluti-s \\‘ilhin I pupuliir 1' .\ll' l‘i'ocrmn ltl'lll\ llll'lmlul songs :luu'n through lhv yrnr n... shows, pngi-iiiils mun... iting lhi‘ origin and growth of tin Inle tulcs, the min“: ul' L‘lll‘ly iniiiuli-s, nmi'k Insiiiuii- nun-line's uf {prim-r llflys ï¬nd even n unnk cuiini’il nivuiiln’ “Wmni-n Snlrc Ilw I'i'uIIIi-insf" 'I‘Iiiv originality of Ihv above is must (‘Ulll- "K‘nllillilt‘. Tu'vmlsmiiir l displayed mill ['0 :ilJlu comment. l‘ro pliuiugmplm'» n-i-ro busy inn, lint). pictui'vs and pros.» rlippinus have tulil an in! sling story. The 0...... Snunil Sun-'1 .....-\ liruvi-s 5.. I,i... Lure {urin "Fli'vii the .\II-ii Attend ullll Enjoy Women“. Insliliili: Moi-tingsâ€. In summing up iur nun-Ir l'ul lll~ (‘oinplishmonis may we an â€"Wcll lmnu Institute Menu...†law-r~ \Iirriel â€"\\’L- are priniil of your n-nrk. Now, lot [is 1:1: l'nru'iiril iliul'llll‘l‘ to FAVE THI‘.’ FL'TI‘RI‘}. “'0 sny iiith .\Iziynr Anil -I‘.~‘un ril' Furl \\'illi “Your ur- ganiznlinn is doing .mnii Iiini: “lilt‘h is particularly YIL‘f‘dl‘ll in the world (it the pawn. lime. I! .u ruplililo of bringing mun... pcoplii ..r dim-mu ideas, nationalities, reliiznnis In M5 and political liclirfa. ll hrin 'UH ‘zill together so that you ran li-urn (u l|\'l‘ and work tnirelhn flnll _.\lrs. J. Cooper, Thunder 5 Ilistnct “Murh has IJL'l'll iirri.n.plr~hml "It the past rim m... but there is mil n irrcat den-l iiinre in he ilinw. May “0 strive to bring what happim - wr- ran in others, cultivate a ilL'vpL-r sympathy \i on; 'ull I“ nry ll... ‘l\'l.'ll iiiurli :\llnl\‘L‘ In jiiilg ll niul “Ill! ilio nu ' Suilli' \‘cr_\' striking i-ntrie lirth AilllIVc‘l‘siiry "\\'.- Tl‘i-iislli‘t- lin- l'iis't r)‘ Ikuihlcl. lhr l’roiin "lid pri ‘ll I'riiii: iid pri/o. junior on Ip. Shs-ilii “'i'hli. I‘Ilr-rsnl . mung pnslri m... n... “inn.~ li'rnnrily. )lini-ilor of Agriculture for iinliirin. ninl II“- E. “'nllu‘r. Slum-v ('n'i'h llhIIIllIi' .\Ir~‘ . :il prim-“inning i-ilrrs. an... group. .\Ir .in. on r... lliulii-sl I’ruiin .“tllrd \Iiirli'il. ‘||l)||lilI(‘l.l by \liss Merle Prnrl l'urLi-r. iiiili. Ulllllllli‘. i'y of the flillllIlIll]: ul' ilii- \\'nnn-ii's lii~liliili- In Im lll‘lil ul lliu (I..‘\.(‘. u. Illi‘ posters wri-u .liri.l.-.l iiilu \vlll l' mu] jlllllul' iri-uups \\IIl| wiiiin- . t‘ulupi'lllliill “I'l‘l‘ l't‘i'K'lVl‘tl, iis lln- pii'lui'vs iiulirniv, .>\|l \llllIIIIIL' Illl' l'rniiininl 7 W.» Mimi llu- I“ I‘Iililiirs iil lhc iil Miss l'lllilll \\'<Iiiii-Ii'a I IIlIiiN, Mn linmiw; is: prin- s» or .nn-ini. u... runny in... “His! is. pri/r. jiiiiinr griiup, inn.- \...n- Ihiurrs, l'url li:il|inii~ii': in. Jul... (mini... \‘IIllll’lllnr: .\lis\ li‘lnrrnrr znul n \\'lll|'|‘ ulmnlii-i' niillnuk until \\I' r ll‘ll our \lllllll'lil' uniil' llnm- of i- \iliu inn-.- llul‘llllL‘ll Lilrlill‘ll Annir iry ('vh-ln-niiuns I‘m-l as HIV bid from Alinuntn liuw nun-mun it. “.-\s u..- «nun-n... .lis- |Ii'|~«'il, 4-... nus .mnni 1.. in-innu in nu ui'giiiimitiu Ih:il Iniil llI'i'Ulll- plislii-d an lllul'll in hiiil' ll i'viiliiry iinii fi-ll inspirr-il in L ili i-lluila iii lln- “I 'k that lII\ llll('lll . Mii‘i-Iy “4‘ nn- ....«.....-i In 4.. )‘H'llll'l' thiiilzs Iwriiuw lhir \\'Illlli'l| lira-AI. liui-nii: Illl'V Imil n \ .iiiill and I use liii~_\ ll.’l\ - llllllI llw fuiiiul in..." of our ui-gzininznin-n .... .Jrunn. .-\,I' I . LADY ALBEMARLE. Chairman N. F.W. I. BROADCASTS T0 CANADA \\'v puliliali lu‘lu“ (luv (4-H. of [in- in.....i. s. Kn... by nn- l'uuiiliwa uf :\l|u mrl (‘Iiiiirmnii ul‘ Illl' .\' l" \\‘.|. an I"vlii'll.|l\’ lull. in Kimmy i' k In ~iii.n.-, Unlnrim «unnniu, m. liiv .n». rii-iuii nl' lIii-ir nll|ll|ll‘l‘. Isiin ,‘\llll'- Uli' spnl l'ui- I‘Inizlnnd llllll Walt-H. ' Iln~ itinli \I'mnnn's IIiirnI ln minim mnl fur llu- I-‘mlnrnnnn :I‘ \\'uim-ii'.s lll‘AIlluIP‘ in Northern Iri-- luml: I'viir l-‘ullmiAli-minus, l mu Hpi-nkini: In 3.... in l um...- M u..- i'._i:.4i “him-ifs liinliiuim ui‘ England and \ M. nnil I inn iilw pi'iVili-gml in In- llu lll‘liil‘l‘ nl‘ Hummus-s {ruin Ihi- Siuilish \VUIHI'IXW lliiriil Institutes and Ill(' l"|'l|l‘r1|llltil “I \i'iiini-i'i Ins xiiiuli-s nf Nurtin-i‘n Irvliinil. We all juin in pun-lint: w... ....r i'unirriitw Iiilimis iiml unr L- Vriitvl'ul thanks fur [llt‘ wnnili-rfu] mun-Inuit Iliiil him brought II:||I|VIVI(‘S:« in munirywuniun all over the \\‘Url('. 'I'mliiy, liki- chilile ri-n ul n lu-Invml mums. iiirihilay part , ‘.\4' giilIu-r in mm in your .Iulri \i‘.- can nu... rcpny thi: 'll’lll no uu‘t- lu lhrm- lli'illt't'l’u who, on 'vbrunry l' MDT, asar‘iulilt-il nt $1... .. llnll, uni'y (frock, under llll' chairmanship of Mr. Erliinil 1401-, in hear that great-hooded wmnan, in... Ilmnllr-u, ....-..i. ..r n... n...n..-i. MIN‘I‘ ui' niinisiriini- lu llu- lll'flllll, innnnnm v or ii..- inriil Iiuiu lI i'i‘siill ul‘ llinl nu-vi my. llll' 'lniny ('n-u-l; \\'.l. iiu- lirsl \I'unim Inslilulv in “In uni-Iii i.imi' nil In "L" l"l4|lll illl' Iii-ginning II In llllll. "l' llnnii- llllll (‘uunll' Nun-Ii- iii lliuno \\lII'I|N iii-a liu- «units-i nr llll' Insliliili- iimvi» nn-ni. r... Hwy . iii. un- .innp nqu ..I' tin- Inimin. i H in 1mm .iml i.. \I'I'YI'. Ii «urn-mu \\'ii-< llllllll'illllll'. lnsliliili- nprnlii: up nll nw-r l'iimulii. II\ III: I|IliI V" II' uni. I'VHIVI'II IIiiil \\il||lll‘l l'iil t'n .iilnliun \\llll'll lill‘l I‘Illlllll'll miiuli \\IIHII'Il n|| nrur Ilir-| in nun-I. .wilm~ niul in l. ir a. III\I‘ ..|'. luii-ki'rninul. li nnn .Iniim: llw Izrl-l lh \\‘nx~ Ilinl i'nnmln In ll nnrv In Iln- .wl nr ihu n...|.l IIII. lil'mllli'l ur iln- l’l'llIlH ui‘ lll‘l vumrni'ulk. .\li- Alii'ml \\'iiLl .ywm-II Ihr Allnnln- In iiiiif lIii- Iii- wllIlilv- mum-innit In Iliuulmnl ninl \\'iili-a. \\'ii iiiiilviwliiyiil lliiii :iliu la In \inik mui plny in. in rm... I'llr'lv uiln~i. hi, “my .n- mvinl lu- mu. yun imlin mny n. nuni i... n Hun-mi ur. my! w.. n..- Imp _.v n. on i..-., mni you, um: w.- llll‘ l|| lflllllfl I'I'imi Mll'i‘lllflll [ii sin-ith ninl run ri-pnrt :in lllt‘l'i'llNl‘ ..r .ugnim nu .In- illll‘lliif Ihis limi our Ali-w l‘ ..i. inn-u «Iiil un- nun..- i'rrul iii-ii: fur Suilliiiiil. Sini-i- Illl'll I‘luIi-iiiliuni Iiiivi- i i furniml iii nun-y n. yin.» ..r u... iflulii'. II. in now li'llv in lliul llu- \\'.I. Mm‘iviixrnl iu iln- n... nun-.pi-i-ml «mirlv Hrlfllllr i/zilinn l'nr \iuuii-n in Hip wni'lil llllll llinl ila i‘iiiill'iliuliun Lu n... linppini-NH l|llil lu-lh-rnnrni ul' iuiinkiiiil is illl' llll'll‘lIII'Illlll'. \\’:» ‘lIIllIII‘ run imliiy :ii. HIII'I‘UHMUTH of tho. rllunlll'l'1l \vliinii wr- holil in Invi- .lnll r-w nw. Willi you we pIi-iliriv our: « tint-w in ntrive for Home iinil lfriiilili'y “ml with thr- ...‘.-r...-i.lvning in. runs or the In- ,-.lituti-s< we dedicate uui'ai-Ivr-u aliio to n... Wlil'k nr foiili'ring understunilini: ullll pi-iii-i- lfl‘twk'L‘ll all peoples.