CANADA 150 UPDATE By Canada 150 Chair, Irene Rabi/lard Submissions have started to arrive â€" 15 were received by the end of June. At the Provincial Conference, these authors’ names (as well as anyone submitting for another Member) were put in a draw for a FWIC messenger bag. Congratulations to Catherine Freymondfrom Lennox&Addington District (Kingston Area). She had submitted six stories on behalf of other Members in Victoria || Branch. Catherine had made a program of this project, asking Members speciï¬c questions at a meeting, and submitting the resulting stories. Besides being great fun, she said the ladies learned more about each other. There will be another draw at the AGM in November, 961/ch2156 §f0fl88 â€" TWEESDMUIR DIGITIZING UPDATE ~ By Tweedsmuir Digitizing Coordinator, Irene Rabi/lard The Ontario Genealogical Society (OGS) ran out of funding to digitize historical records, such as our Tweedsmuir collections. Until more funds are found, this speciï¬c Tweedsmuir Digitizing Project is on hold. Butthatdoes not mean weshould stop. I am currently looking at other ways to proceed with digitizing the Tweedsmuirs, as well as minute and other books. In the meantime, Branches are welcome to digitize their books. Some disbanding Branches have decided to use part of their remaining funds to do this. But please do not put them on a website as the 065 agreement is still in effect for now. There are a number of considerations to ensure you receive the best possible digitized product; such as, the size of the scans, archival quality, and having them searchable. There is a gentleman near Ottawa who does an excellent job at a reasonable price and I am sure there are others across the province whoalsocouldrdo a greatjob. If you are considering ‘ "1 mm ‘a- etmeandl ‘ with more through the winter months. So the earlier you submit your story, the more chances you get to win. Members submitting on behalf of others will also have their name entered. Please submit through the website or via email. At least one District has named a volunteer who will type and submit stories for others that are not comfortable with computers. Final Deadline: March 31, 2015. Irene Robillard may be contacted by email {, phone (613-432-6987), or mail {1075 Calabogie Road, RR 1, Renfrew, ON K7I/ 3Z4). The Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada (FWIC) recently launched a new initiative in ' partnershipwith the International Peace Garden. This program provides an opportunity for a young woman (aged 17-19) from each province across Canada to participate in a one week educational program at the International Peace Garden (located on the Manitoba and North Dakota border). All expenses are paid for, with provincial WI’s covering the transportation for their recipient. From June 23â€"30, 2014, young women from Ontario, Manitoba and Quebec took part in activities such as planting flowers and learning about horticulture, beautifying the WI picnic shelters, learning interpersonal skills, visiting and viewing both the beautiful and varied landscapes ofthe Manitoba and North Dakota border, and meeting International Music students attending a camp there simultaneously. Pictured: Ontario recipient, Holly Bus (second from right) with Ann Mandziuk, Executive Ofï¬cer for Manitoba, Sonja Mueller (Manitoba) and Hayley Ontarlos reCIpIent, Holly Bus, IS a recent high school graduate from OrangeVIlle who Campbell (Quebed has a passion for photography. 1 2 Pï¬zlvï¬jmv.“ mm QE“ ‘ ‘ WFE/{lmj'égyl