, . .1; 7 «up, «IliuClLleKJl'u A", T.u "2 Pfii "l55"' Eurflli} 4f UTJKEY Jhclfi February 19th. 1897 l flame shall m: the Iomen's Institute, of :Jalbfleetéoob ChdngJ ' to 3 . CreeK ll Ihe object of this Institute shall be to promote that knowledge of Household boleuee which sh ll lead to the improvement in Aozsehold arenlteonure wltn sgcclal attention to the dwme ounltstlon to a bet.cr lager- - G standing of the e'maomlc and hygienic 'mlue of footie and fuels and to 4 more Salentlrlc any: of children. with 9 via" Lo ruiwing the anaerul standard of health of our people. Ill Membership is o-ea to all women who wtll tnke um active lfiteres: in the welfare of she Women's Ewetitute of oaltfleet and will pay the annual fee a? 25 cents. Chose Joining before J1me will be consideced in good Stufidlng for the yeur euuiqg Jane JJCh, 1808. iv Phc afinC'S Will-consist of Honorary firesident. Mreaideut, FlrEL Viaeafrusileut, ueoretary Trefi.1rer gnu three ' blrectore who with the offloers above namodshall constitute the Board of bircotorh - two auditovs. ' - V The émeoative Sammittee fihcll consist of President, Vice- o rrosiuent gnu secretary. ~=" ' 1. l l-- V1 'The annual Leaning 2h ll be bold on'the first Thursday 2 Jun? at Lhe_hour of 2 a 3 and at sash glass .3 the Jourd 0f "1'003059 shall doelda at a provlous'meeting VII The afflce,a whall be elected by uallot 3f the members after nomlnutlon. .,. .. ~~ VIII For the heuter_cavrytna 01b of the )5; $5, J 'le Lgvgngrs 15 sh l1 uc divided into six divialons or brhqchses eu ' follows: , ~ ~-- v \vl.l{.(..v, ,,A' (l) "omeatie uconnmy. (A) "rohiteotare filth special reference to vKnitfiDXOn, Light, aaat etc. (5 ) :hyslology, Hyglcno. jcuiclue. Julluzhcuics, etc, (4) Floricllture, Jarviculsnre. (5) Annie -n¢ Art } (6) alter-abuts, plelolody. Education and. Legislation.