LOCHWINNOCH FARM FORUM The Lochwinnoch Farm Forum was organized on December 13 l9ll by Nat Lindsay and Alex Jamieson of Renfrew at a meeting held in) ’ the home of Mr. & Mrs. Lindsay Storie. Those present were: Mr. & Mrs. Lindsay Storie; Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Storie; Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Lindsay; Mr. & Mrs. R. M. MacGregor and Mr. & Mrs. Roland Phillips. The date of organization should be easily remembered, as the broadcast that evening was interrunted by the grim announcement that the Japs had bombed Pearl Harbour. Meetings Were held each Monday night and attendance was good. In the March report in 1953 there were 24 members with an average attendance of 20 â€" and it was reported that in 12 years only one or two meetings were missed. ' On the start forum members travelled in sleigh loads over unnlowed roads to meet in homes dimly lit with kerosenthVï¬ow With practically all roads snow-slowed and cars active in winter and with all the advantages and improvements hydro has brought, the Forum has sunk into oblivion. 7 Over the years, some of our speakers and entertainment reads as follows: Mr. walter Ford, retired farmer; Mr. Alva Rintoul, Vlce-PTeS. of Hog Producers Associationk(guests of Glasgow Forum); Mr. A. A. McLean. Q.C., of Arnn$ior; Mr. Gordon Gibson and Er. H. Williams of the Regional Hydro Office. Cohden; Dr. G, B. BurWell of Renfrew on Health and Hosnital Insurance; Mrs Chas. Molnnes of the Hog Producers Association, (shared with Glasgow); Hr. Charlie George, Manager of the Royal Bank, Renfrew; Mr. Leonard Laventure, Coâ€"operators Insurance Agent on Farm Insurance; Mr. John Butler, Associate Agricultural Reoresentative; Mr. Allan McNab, Renfrew Barrister, legal proceedings pertaining to farmers. Filmua were shown by the following: Mr. Stone of Arnprior (had) Dewars as guests); by N. E. and Mrs. Lindsay after being dinner guests in their home; Mr. Jimmie Woods, field man for Purina Eeed Company; by Leonard Laventure and illustrated talk on North West Territories; By Bill Connery (three National Film Board pictures, with Castleford as guests). Other Social Events: Annual Forum Picnics held at Nat Lindsay’s cottage which also included others outside Forum in the community. A not luck supper and skit rehearsal in the church basement. A house narty in the home of Mr. & Mrs. Mervin Miller was a rather unusual event. The entertainment and elaborate gunner was nrOVided and served by the men. who even washed the dishes. A social evening at Christmas time in the home of ï¬r. & Mrs. Lindsay Storie. At Christmas time. 1052. ï¬r. and hrs. Nalter Ford celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, and the borum made a presentation and assisted with their "At Home" celebratéon.